Church of Erebos

In the silence of death, Erebos reigns supreme. His patient grip extends beyond the mortal coil, and his shadowed dominion claims all that once knew the warmth of life. In acceptance, we find solace; in his embrace, an eternity of rest awaits.
— Follower of Erebos
    The Church of Erebos stands as a somber bastion in reverence of the god of the Underworld. Hidden in shadowed halls adorned with symbols of mortality, the church serves as a gateway to the afterlife and a sanctuary for those who seek solace in the embrace of darkness. It is a place where mortal concerns about mortality are confronted, and the inevitability of death is accepted with stoic reverence.


Led by the Silent Hierarch, the church follows a hierarchical structure. The Silent Council, comprised of scholars, morticians, and ritualists, oversees funeral rites, soul guidance, and the administration of the Underworld. The Silent Emissaries act as the liaisons between the living and the dead, offering solace to those mourning lost loved ones.


The culture of the Church of Erebos is steeped in the acknowledgment of mortality. Mortuary rites, funerals, and memorial services are conducted with solemnity and reverence. Artworks often depict the duality of life and death, and the faithful strive to lead purposeful lives while accepting the inevitable passage to the Underworld.  


  Eclipsia: Observed during a rare celestial alignment, Eclipsia is a night of mourning and reflection. Worshipers fast and hold vigils, contemplating the transient nature of existence.
  Thanatia: Celebrated on the anniversary of a significant death, Thanatia is a time for families to honor their ancestors. Offerings are made at ancestral shrines, and stories of the departed are shared to keep their memories alive.

Cosmological Views

Erebos's cosmology envisions the afterlife as a realm where souls find rest and reflection. Mortals transition from life to death, guided by the Silent Emissaries to the Underworld. The god emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the transient nature of existence and finding meaning in the face of mortality.

Tenets of Faith

Acceptance of Mortality: Embrace the inevitability of death, recognizing it as a natural conclusion to the mortal journey.
Covetous Patience: Aspire to accumulate wealth and power patiently, knowing that all possessions eventually find their way into the grasp of the god of the dead.
Guardianship of Boundaries: Uphold the separation between life and death, ensuring that souls find their rightful place in the Underworld.


The ethics of the Church of Erebos revolve around acceptance of mortality, honoring the dead, and finding purpose in life's brevity. Devotees are encouraged to live with intention, cherish their mortal existence, and approach death with serene acceptance. The church teaches that through acknowledgment of death, one finds the true richness of life.


Worship involves funeral rites, memorial services, and contemplative rituals. Devotees offer prayers for the departed, seeking guidance and solace from the Silent Emissaries. Ceremonies often include symbolic gestures acknowledging the cyclical nature of life and death, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the mortal and afterlife realms.


The Silent Hierarch, supported by the Silent Council, leads the priesthood. Morticians, ritualists, and soul guides form the core of the clergy. Priests guide the living through mourning, perform funeral rites, and communicate with the Underworld on matters of the departed. They emphasize the acceptance of death as a natural part of the cosmic order.
Religious, Organised Religion


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