Iroas, God of Victory

God of Victory
  Iroas is the steadfast god of honor and victory in war. When soldiers march to battle, his voice is the thunder of their footsteps and the crash of spear on shield. Soldiers, mercenaries, and athletes all pray for Iroas’s favor in securing victory. Common folk pray to Iroas for courage and fortitude in times of struggle, for his is the battle nobly fought and won.
  Bold and confident with a soldier’s demeanor, Iroas is the pinnacle of martial pride and bearing. He is stoic almost to a fault, but also exhibits a wry sense of humor. Those who honorably shed blood in Iroas’s name can count on his support. Cowards and oath breakers are to be despised, and traitors don’t deserve mercy in battle.
  Iroas most often appears as a powerfully built centaur with a bull’s body rather than a horse’s, clad in gleaming armor and wielding a spear and shield. He speaks in a booming baritone that projects power, confidence, and courage. He has been known to appear as a burly soldier or a mighty bull before his followers. Whatever form he chooses, Iroas carries himself with precision and majesty at all times and doesn’t tolerate disrespect or undue informality from those who would deal with him.
  Iroas’s Influence
  Iroas personifies the glory of victory, honorable combat, and physical competition. He is the unspoken bond between soldiers on the eve of battle, the courage of the standard bearer holding colors aloft in the midst of battle, and the exultation that comes after a hard-won victory. Iroas pushes his followers to excel in their chosen fields, particularly war and athletics, and gain honor through superior skill, training, and dedication.
  War is, fundamentally, a terrible experience filled with pain, loss, and fear. Unfortunately, as Iroas sees it, war is also necessary. He sees preparing for and winning life’s essential battles as being of paramount importance and the highest calling one can experience.
  The true warrior fights with honor, courage, and dedication, and values training, discipline, strength, and esprit de corps. In Iroas’s eyes, nothing is more valuable or honorable than a honed blade wielded by a trained warrior loyal to a just cause. This message is ingrained in the ethos of Akros, the polis that claims him as its patron. His precepts and codes of conduct are incorporated in the civil and military laws of Akros.
  Iroas values strength and determination in less deadly pursuits, as well. He believes sports are a fine proxy for war, as just as in a battle, superior skill and strength lead to a victory. What Iroas truly loves is a winner.
  Lastly, Iroas urges his followers to blunt the advances of his brother, Mogis. This directive inevitably means combat, since Iroas knows of no other way to solve problems. Diplomacy isn’t an act of cowardice per se, but because it isn’t an activity Iroas is prepared to engage in, it isn’t something he expects of his followers.
  Iroas’s Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often good
  Suggested Classes: Barbarian, cleric, fighter, paladin, sorcerer
  Suggested Cleric Domains: War
  Suggested Backgrounds: Athlete, folk hero, soldier
  Many champions of Iroas are warriors for honor and justice. They often seek to embody martial courage and are motivated by strong personal codes of honor.
God of Victory
Religious, Organised Religion


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