Irsoth, God of the Formless

Irsoth, God of the Formless
Irsoth was one a mortal, living among their people and thinking nothing of life, until a fire swept across their home, leaving only one survivor. the blood of his kin and the ash surrounding him has combined into a thick viscous mud that stuck to him, and never washed away. Rather then accepting death and the loss of his kin however, he used this mud, and fashioned a new persona, one of his childhood friend, his mother, father, the old man across the road, a persona he could become, one to forge a new life now that his old life was gone.
  He molded his own form countless times, sometimes humanoid, other times bestial, and in a few rare occasions, only for when their life was in grave danger, into a draconic vissage. Using this, He lived a life of adventure under a thousand names. sometimes a heroic paladin from yonder, sometimes a small time thief, and sometimes a lizardfolk who had just wondered into town, However countless years after he had first change his form, when he attempted to look beneath the mud he had covered himself with, past the masks he wore, he found nothing of his former self, having lived so many lives, his old one did not remain. not a thought of his past, nor a scale from his skin.
  He felt lost, without a purpose. Despite being everything, he was nothing. a thousand bodys without a soul, a thousand stories with no author.
  In an attempt to reclaim what life he had, many of his forms now took on one name, Irsoth. Even if they had lost themselves, they decided to warn others of their mistake. Despite this, upon the sight of those with nothing, he offered part of himself to those that need it, for innocent reasons or not, giving them opportunity to forge life anew, with ample warning however not to lose themselves as he once had.
  Eventually, Irsoth had given up the last of his form, giving away as many lives as he created, allowing his magic and spirit to ascend higher, both those loyal and those indebted to him pushing this spirit from its mortal shackles into something greater, eventually reaching lower godhood, where his continued assistance and interference gained him more and more followers. Although the first were a niche bunch, their stories and tales reached the ears of many.
  Nowadays, those who have lost everything, and those that struggle to find joy in their life, or those who know their life is soon to end have someone they can ask for a second chance, however those that abuse such a gift soon forget just who they were every time they change their story.
  Due to the nature of his ability, he changes form as quick as the thought crosses his mind, however he is never known by any other name, and his eyes always remain the same dull amber hue. Typically, however, he resembles a warm and bubbly humanoid figure, usually with scales, like a dragonborn or lizardfolk, however when threatened, he becomes an amalgamous, constantly shifting mass of flesh and scale, taking on the forms of hundreds of creatures at once, and preffering to strike with the weight such forms bring.
Relationship with other gods
The Formless escape from Destiny, Klothys
The very nature of Klothys and the gifts offered by Irsoth clash. Though Irsoth respects and understands Klothy’s reason for being, he finds a set destiny to be restricting and cruel. Because of such views, Klothys is understandably disapproving of Irsoths idea of an escape from their ‘destiny’.
Only cowards flee, Iroas
In this same vein, Iroas despises those soldiers who want nothing to do with the battle they were to fight in. Likewise, traitors to a cause they no longer believe in are offered this second chance, only drawing The bulls ire further. This inflexible cruelty has drawn more than a few harsh words from the formless, creating a rivalry between the two, against freedom and honor.
Two lights brighten the path, Tala
Though Irsoth and Tala’s assistance in the mortal plane rarely convine at the same time, the two aim to guide those who are lost, and although they do so in differing ways, the two wish better for those they guide. As such, they aim to assist each other when doing so, guiding those without a life to return to a sense of justice, and to those without a clear path to safety, a way to forge one.
White or Black, a lies a lie, Phenax
While his domain overlaps with Phenax’s, Irsoth urges his followers not to fall for Phenax’s subversion, for their new lives to be filled with honor and trust, rather then greed and cruelty. Unfortunately, those baring the gift of Irsoth find such a life easy to exploit. Similarly, however, those who have fallen too far into Phenax’s schemes can find an escape through Irsoth. As such the two silently urge the others followers to join the other side, two deceptors trying to steal from eachother.
A new life’s love, Ceri
Though Irsoth finds marriage and the like too binding for his liking, He enjoys watching those he assists find love in their new lives. Every now and then, Irsoth himself will request they have something they can rely on in their time of need, and every now and then, Ceri Is happy to assist in finding the perfect match, so long as Irsoth helps those stuck in toxic marriage escape. The gods themselves get along well, Irsoth likes to listen, and Ceri likes to talk. Despite a few arguments surfacing about how necessary marriage is in love, the two are somewhat good friends.
Irsoth’s champions
Irsoth's champions primarily consist of those who abuse his gift, losing more and more of themselves until all that remains is Irsoths’s gift. Though Irsoth dislikes this, he offers them a new life, one following and spreading his message. Few of those he assists however, offers such a thing themselves, spreading his message and offering to assist those without anything, and making sure those going down a dangerous path don't lose themselves to it. Irsoth sees his champions as those who have reclaimed life, and he's proud of each of them for becoming something again, offering assistance when he can, but urging them to live their own lives without relying on him or his gift
  Irsoth’s Champions alignment: Typically good, usually chaotic
  Suggested classes: Warlock, Bard, Cleric, Paladin (redemption), Rouge
  Suggested Cleric Domain: Trickery
  Suggested backgrounds: Faceless, Haunted one
  Whether worshiping the formless because it is all they have, or worshiping him because its what they truly wish for, they all act in accordance to their own Whims, living their lives to the fullest to not waste the gift Irsoth had given them. Because of the nature of these champions, their reactions to an event is as varied as any, though they tend to attempt to help as many people as possible, so that they can offer the same guidance Irsoth gave to them.
Irsoth’s ideals
Ideals D6
1. Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (any)
2. Adaptability. Adapt to every situation and you’ll only encounter a problem once (Any)
3. Self. I am my own self, nobody will change me, and I will act how I wish. (Chaotic)
4. Guidance. Sometimes, all someone needs is a push in the right direction (Good)
5. Redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance to make things right (Good)
6. Integrity. I must stay true to myself others, lest I risk destroying what i am (Any)
Earning and losing piety
You can increase your piety score to Irsoth when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Helping someone escape a situation they want no part in.
• Destroying the ‘shackles’ of someones life, whether literally or figuratively.
• Stopping someone from acting in a way that would betray their own morals.

  Your piety score to Irsoth decreases if you diminish Irsoth’s influence in the world, contradict with their ideals, or let them down through acts such as these:
  • Forcing someone to act in a certain way they do not wish to.
• Restricting someone's actions or feelings, physically, emotionally or otherwise.
• Changing someone so much that they have changed for the worse.

  Becomer (Piety+3 Irsoth Trait)
Whether through Irsoth himself, or another follower of his, you have inherited Irsoth’s gift, with ample warning not to abuse such a thing. You can cast Alter self with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma or wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You chose this stat when you first gain this ability, unable to change it. You regain all uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.
  The Flexible self (Piety+10 Irsoth trait)
Using Irsoths gift, or by acting in accordance to his word and whims, you've gained more control over his gift, using it now as second nature. When casting Alter self using this feature, it no longer requires concentration. Additionally, You may spend an action to dispel any spell or magic disguising or altering your form.
  Formless (Piety+25 Irsoth trait)
You've further realized the power present within Irsoths gift, and can mold your form to benefit any situation required, however your ability worries Irsoth. Are you capable enough to retain yourself even with the ability to forgo it? You can now cast Alter self at will. Additionally, you can now cast Polymorph targeting only yourself a number of times a day equal to the modifier you chose when you first gained Becomer, Instead turning into any non beast creature with a CR equal to less than half of your level.
  Champion of Irsoth (Piety+50 Irsoth trait)
You've inherited the very essence of Irsoths gift, for better or for worse. Regardless of how you've used your gift, Irsoth has looked on, and bestowed one last gift befitting your assistance to his cause You can increase your Constitution or Charisma by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2. Its suggested you take the score you feel fits with your journey best. If you feel as though your character has retained their sense of self through your journey, Raise your Wisdom, however If you feel as though your character has lost their sense of self, Raise your Charisma
God of the Formless
Religious, Organised Religion


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