Keranos, God of Storms

Keranos   God of Storms   Keranos is the god of storms and wisdom. Merciless and impatient, Keranos is equally likely to strike out at mortals with a bolt of inspiration or a blast of lightning. To revere Keranos is to exult in the power of wisdom, clarity of purpose, and the fury of the storm. He is favored by tinkerers, inventors, and sailors as well as those seeking solutions to intractable problems. He doesn’t tolerate the company (or the worship) of fools, and he despises vapidity and indecision.   Keranos rarely appears directly to mortals, preferring to communicate through an epiphany or a crashing bolt of lightning. When he does deign to manifest in the mortal world, Keranos prefers the form of a stout, bearded, male human wearing a purple loincloth girdled in a mithral chain belt with a clasp in the form of a dragon’s skull. His bearing is upright and stern, with a clipped, brusque way of speaking. Particularly clever plans and observations bring a hint of a smile to his face. When interacting with mortals, Keranos sometimes appears in the form of a great horned owl with lightning strikes flashing in its eyes.   Keranos’s Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral   Suggested Classes: Barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard   Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Tempest   Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, entertainer, guild artisan, noble, sage, sailor   Most champions of Keranos are calm under pressure, creative, and clever. They often seek to challenge the status quo and thrill at wielding the power of the storm.
The Stormfather
Religious, Organised Religion


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