Lightning Rails

The Lightning Rails of Serath Prime are a marvel of both divine power and advanced engineering, seamlessly integrating the awe of the divine with the ingenuity of mortal craft. These rails crisscross the city, connecting its various districts and facilitating rapid transit of civilians and essential resources.

The concept of the Lightning Rails was born from a collaboration between the city's greatest artificers and a King of Serath Prime, Hugo Baylock. Seeking a solution to efficiently connect the sprawling city, they turned to using the resources they had along with ingenuity. The Storm God, Keranos, known for his command over lightning and storms, and He Who Hungers, a revered beast god, were invoked in a grand ritual. The gods, impressed by the ambition and unity of Serath Prime's inhabitants, blessed the endeavor. Their lightnings differ based on the speed the Lightning Rail goes (red being the fastest, and more dangerous, as it is more wild and uncontrolled).

The Lightning Rails were constructed using a combination of rare, conductive materials and sacred artifacts. These materials were chosen for their ability to channel divine energy safely and efficiently. The rails themselves are elevated high above the city, supported by towering structures adorned with symbols of Keranos and He Who Hungers. Each station along the rail is designed to be both a testament to both god's power as well as a functional hub for the citizens.

The trains that run on the Lightning Rails are powered by an eternal storm--a manifestation of Keranos's might--contained and harnessed through arcane technology. This divine storm generates arcs of lightning that propel the trains at incredible speeds. Meanwhile, the influence of He Who Hungers is seen in the train's ability to move with a grace and agility that belies their size, almost as if they are alive and hunting. Navigating seamlessly through the twists and turns of the intricate rail network.

Primarily used for civilian transit, the Lightning Rails have revolutionized life in Serath Prime. They have made the city more interconnected than ever, fostering trade, communication, and cultural exchange between the districts. The convenience and speed of the Lightning Rails have become an integral part of the daily life of the city's inhabitants.

At the current point in time, the Lightning Rails are only available as transport between the Tehiri and Theros districts. Sufficient infrustructure is being constructed for the New-Age Babylon, Zandora, and Xenobia districts, with complete availability in the Rook district within the next several weeks.


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