Radiant Dawn

Ideals & Values
Radiant Dawn values those with the strength of will to make their own way in life. Freedom is the creed of our faction. Always pursue your ambition, but never at the expense of another. Those that seek to use and control others have no place in the world we are trying to create.
"Reach out and take what's yours."
Leader & Striker Art
Talon Asterius - Starlight Blast
Ya'gnus - Quantum Leap
We travel the world as we please, each member is free to pursue their own personal goals. Helping any who are being held down by those in power is the only call to action we must abide. Whether they be a corrupt ruler, a tyrannical warlord, or a powerful otherworldly creature, anything that thinks it's above everyone else needs to be taken down a peg.
Realm of Origin
New age babylon (Sci-fi guardians of the galaxy style)
Radiant Dawn exists to be a shining beacon to those who dream of something more. Talon and Ya'gnus met on the battlefield. A Red Oni chieftain had drawn the attention of both of them. Initially at odds with one another, they decided that they needed each other's help to win the day. After a hard-won victory, the two were greeted by a grateful town who inspired the pair to create a place where no one would have to live under the boot of another. And as the morning sun rose that day, a pact was formed between the two to carve a space for themselves out of the world.


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