Seasons of Serath Prime

The seasons in Serath manifest differently from other places, reflecting a blend of five distinct worlds.
However, they correspond to the standard four seasons we are familiar with.


The season of bloom when the flora of all districts flourish in synchrony. It is a sight to behold as glowing vegetation from Tehiri, seaweed-like plants from Theros, resilient lifeforms from Xenobia, genetically enhanced flowers from Zandora, and biomechanical trees from New Age Babylon blossom together. This occurs as the city's ethereal energy nurtures the seeds brought by the warriors from their home worlds.


The heat of the summer increases the city's energy output, illuminating the city brighter than ever. The city transforms into a radiant beacon, the increased light energy from the floating islands causing the Theros' sea to sparkle brilliantly, the Zandora district's neon lights to shine even brighter, and New Age Babylon's metallic surfaces to gleam.


In Autumn, the vegetation across Serath sheds its leaves. Tehiri's leaves change to a myriad of hues before falling, while Xenobia's robust plants shed rust-colored leaves. Simultaneously, Zandora's biomechanical plants perform an aesthetic 'defrag', and New Age Babylon's advanced trees hibernate, their mechanical leaves retracting into their metallic branches.


Winter sees a blanket of soft luminescent snow covering Serath. The snow emits a soft glow, adding a dreamlike quality to the landscape. It interacts differently with each district; creating soft mounds in Tehiri district, frosting the rugged terrains of Theros, softly falling on the resilient Xenobia, accentuating the neon of Zandora, and delicately layering the metallic surfaces of New Age Babylon.


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