Servator Vacui 'Enslaver of the Void'

Ideals & Values
Survival through any means Do not be afraid to stare into void Knowledge is key Death is not the end, it is only the beginning
“What is your sacrifice?”
Purple and Black
Leader Name & Striker Art
Ena - Shadowbind
  Revenant- Demands of the Dead
Seek Knowledge of the unknown Collecting artifacts to study and use Exploring ancient temples, tombs, and cities to discover the history of what has happened to it.
Realm of Origin
Xenobia (Post apocalyptic, was originally steam punk)
Our planet Zenobia was invaded by some dark force nearly wiping our own existence. Before it could completely destroy us, we found a way to defeat this entity. By using our dead and its own power against it we were able to push back and destroy it. This faction was created to prevent something like this from ever happening again.


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