Shadow Ashanti

Ideals & Values
The values of the faction is you must be self-sufficient and know how to take care of yourself. You must be tough enough to go hand to hand with your opposition. We are a faction that fights from the shadows, but when we emerge from the shadows, we will fight tooth and nail to bring down our opposition.
  The name Shadow Ashanti describes our fighting prowess. We have the assassins who fight from the shadows to quickly take down our targets, but we do have our warlike brutes who could go toe to toe with the toughest fighters out there. Ashanti means warlike, which signifies our tactical approach in battles. Never go into battle without a plan, always have a 2 man team. One person from that team will fight from the shadows and the other member of the team will be on the frontline. We are a league of assassins and we must carry ourselves as such.
We are fighters. We are survivors, and we’ll get through anything people can throw at us.
Red, Purple, Black
Leader Name & Striker Art
Syler: Cleaving Weapon Mastery
Paelseas: Ranged Weapon Mastery
Syler would be the voice of leadership and seen as the commander. Paelseas is the sage of the Faction that advises him on the direction to move in. Paelseas operates leading from the shadows and Syler operates leading from the front line.
Our faction is a faction of assassins. This faction provides second opportunities for those that are looking for a second wind in life. We expect the utmost attention and care to detail when it comes to our position on the battlefield. Jobs in which we have to deploy a 2 man team to assassinate our quarry is our specialty. Fight like hell on the battlefield, but be able to have a recovery period after departing the battlefield to prepare for the next mission.
Realm of Origin
Tehiri(high fantasy)
The faction exists as a means to give a second opportunity in life. When Syler and Paelseas came together they sought to fill a void that the universe had. There was an aristocrat wreaking havoc on a smaller village. Syler, having a personal connection to the village, convinced Paelseas that something must be done. Assassinating the aristocrat was the very first mission of the faction and the duo pairing of Syler and Paelseas felt so natural and they worked together flawlessly that the duo decided to come together to create the Shadow Ashanti.


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