SPOILERS!!! - Central Story of Serath Prime

Main Theme

The divine tournament of the God of Beasts, a brutal test of strength and strategy where champions from five different worlds compete for their lives, the lives of their factions, and the opportunity to return home. Unknown to the champions, one warrior is destined to remain behind and become the next king of Serath Prime, a secret twist revealed only at the culmination of the tournament.

Central Story

  The God of Beasts's conception was by forces even beyond the gods. The Council of Creation. They began these tournaments centuries ago as a means of testing humanity. Testing humanity for a war that transcends universes. The Multiversal wars. A War that allows beings to travel from different universes beyond aurora for better or for worse. If humanity was to fail in the tournaments, the God of Beasts would then be authorized to consume the combatants. This would lead to either new champions of Aurora being summoned or possibly the entire Auroraverse to be reset for a new universe to be created to stand against the Multiversal wars.
  Thankfully, the previous crew of the Soul Strikers were able to succeed in the tournament and prove that humanity was worth saving. Though as tradition, some individuals returned home while others remained no Serath Prime, a select few would seek to try and defeat the greatest force Aurora has ever known to grow in strength ending its tyranny. These individuals would revive a faction known as the Guardians of Creation. An ancient faction determined to defeat the corruption once and for all.   The champions, along with their followers, are summoned from five planets across the auroraverse: Tehiri, Theros, Xenobia, Zandora, and The New Age Babylon.
They are made to fight for their survival in a tournament that blends elements of MOBA games with brutal combat, all under the belief they're fighting to return home. However until the tournament returns again, Serath Prime continues on as a hub for denizens across all of Aurora.   The city of Serath Prime is not just a battlefield but a living, breathing city that thrives on these tournaments.
The battles have shaped its culture, politics, and even its architecture. The people of Serath Prime are kept in the dark about the eventual fate of the champion, adding another layer of intrigue to the tournament.   The truth of the victor's fate is a closely guarded secret known only to the God of Beasts.
Once the tournament concludes, the brutal reality of their destiny is revealed - they are to govern the city until the next tournament, while their fellow champions are returned to their home worlds.   Each tournament leaves an impact on the champions' home worlds.
The fate of the victorious champion, the tales of their battles, and the cruel reality of the divine tournament echo throughout the auroraverse, stirring various reactions.


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