Storm Relays and Hoverboards

Storm relays present an exhilarating and innovative mode of transportation, combining the thrill of aerial adventure with the mystique of arcane technology and energy.

Storm Relays are strategically placed launch pads throughout Serath Prime, each harnessing the raw, untamed power of the storm god, Keranos. These relays are not just transportation devices; they are gateways to an experience that blends adrenaline with a touch of divine awe. Designed for the bold and the brave, they offer a journey unlike any other.

Adventurers begin their journey at a Storm Relay with their own arcane-powered hoverboard or purchase one at one of the various shops of Serath Prime. These hoverboards are specially designed to navigate and harness the power of the storm currents. Once a user declares readiness, the Storm Relay activates, catapulting them high into the clouds. Here, amidst the tumultuous embrace of Keranos's storm, they surf the air currents, guided by the power of the winds and the will of the storm god himself.

The experience of riding a Storm Relay is a mix of exhilaration and challenge. The rider must navigate through the powerful air currents, feeling the full force of Keranos' stormy wrath. For some, this is an exhilarating adventure; for others, a test of courage and skill. Upon reaching their destination, as the storm current weakens and the rider begins to descend, the hoverboard enacts an automated slow fall spell. This spell gently guides the rider to a safe landing at the designated area, ensuring their thrilling journey ends as safely as it began.

A select few, including the creators of the Storm Relays, possess special goggles that allow them to see the air currents. These goggles provide a tactical advantage, granting the wearer enhanced navigation capabilities and effectively doubling their movement speed in the storm currents. This equipment is highly sought after and is a mark of distinction among experienced relay riders.

The Storm Relays and Hoverboards of Serath Prime embody the spirit of adventure and innovation that characterizes the city. They offer not just a mode of transportation but a unique experience that combines the thrill of flight, the power of arcane technology, and the awe of divine energy.

At the current point in time, the Storm Relays and Hoverboards are only available as transport between the Tehiri and Theros districts. Sufficient infrustructure is being constructed for the New-Age Babylon, Zandora, and Xenobia districts, with complete availability in the Rook district within the next several weeks.


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