Tala, God of Bearkin and Lost Souls

About Tala    It is said that out of the protective nature of Karametra and the powerful fury of Keranos; a burst of bright energy shaped itself and evolved. This was Tala, the Great Mother God of Bearkin, urchins, and lost wandering souls.    Tala often appears as a lumbering, ethereal, huge bear with long, almost golden horns that are alight with colour. She favours this form best when dealing with mortals, although a very rare few have ever seen her humanoid form. That of a powerful yet soft looking Tiefling whose horns are gold, eyes an endless pool of stormy light, and whose very essence screams something wild yet comforting.    It is said that whenever someone ever feels lost; should they ever look up to the stars and see Tala's constellation overhead, they will always find their way back to safety. Tala represents strength, courage, protection, nobility, patience, playfulness, and when called upon - wild unfettered rage against injustice or harm to those who cannot protect themselves.    When looking for signs of her; it is said that all you need to look for is a true bear - one whose horns parts the skies and her constellation is visible. She will always lead the way towards safety and home; or towards injustice that must be stopped.    Tala's Relationship with Other Gods    Karametra and Keranos. Just as a natural force that was created from their powers and might, Tala is close to her original progenitors. In all things, she turns to them first for guidance.    Yanna and Nylea. Although at times she may clash with either of them, she is friends with both.    Kruphix. She is curious about the God of Horizons as she likes to wander around near his realms when the night is not corrupted with darkness and only shows the beauty of stars.    About Tala's Champions    Champions Alignment: Good, Chaotic, Neutral, Lawful    Suggested Classes: Bards, Clerics, Monks, Paladins, Rangers, and Fighters    Suggested Cleric Domain: Nature, Life, Light    Suggested backgrounds: Haunted One, Folk Hero, Faceless, Urchin, Outlander, Sailor    About the Worshippers of Tala    The best way to define Tala's Champions is to look and see how they act and treat others. For they will always do their best to bolster the spirits of their friends and companions. They also have a laid-back attitude towards danger until and unless they are hungry and/or if innocent life is in danger. They also have a very poor sense of direction and cannot be trusted to navigate very well.    About Tala's Ideals   
D6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is knowing the difference between knowledge and understanding. (Neutral)
3 Creativity. One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries. (Chaotic) 
4 Responsibility. Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the forest that was left out by mistake. (Lawful)
5 Might. People should seriously stop expecting normal from me, we all know it's not going to happen. (Evil) 
6 Generosity. A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference. (Good) 


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