Thassa, God of the Sea Character in Aurora | World Anvil

Thassa, God of the Sea

Goddess Thassa (a.k.a. God of the Sea)

As the tides ebb and flow, so does the influence of Thassa shape the course of time and the secrets of the deep.
— Follower of Thassa
  Thassa, the god of the sea, aquatic creatures, and the unknown depths, commands the vast expanse of the ocean and its mysteries. Often appearing as a triton-like being with octopus-tentacle hair and a crown of crab legs, Thassa emanates an aura of impassivity and smugness. She towers over the ocean when observed by mortals, taking various forms like a giant squid, storm, school of sharks, fog bank, or her favored animal, a crab.
  Impassive and slow to anger, Thassa is secure in the knowledge that there are no mortals and few gods who can threaten her status. Once her ire is aroused, however, it is as unstoppable as a cresting wave. She often speaks in the future tense, referring to what tomorrow will bring.
  Thassa governs the slow changes wrought by the passage of time, such as the weathering of rocks and the erosion of beaches. Where Nylea controls the eternal cycle of the seasons and Kruphix monitors the flow of time, Thassa holds sway over the slow-acting but irresistible forces that alter the world over hundreds or thousands of years.  

Followers of Thassa

Thassa is synonymous with the sea, and her worship centers around maritime activities, the study of ancient knowledge, and the acknowledgment of the cyclical nature of the tides. Followers venerate the ocean's bounty and view Thassa as an immutable force, securing their respect through rituals performed near bodies of water.  

Champions of Thassa

Champions Alignment: Usually neutral
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Tempest
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Outlander, Sage, Sailor

Thassa's champions serve as agents of change, embracing new ideas, challenging the status quo, and working in harmony with the pounding waves and creatures of the sea. They seek to unlock the mysteries of the ocean and navigate the vast, unexplored depths under Thassa's guidance.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Trident and Waves: Symbolizing Thassa's control over the sea and its powerful forces.
Crown of Crab Legs: Representing the creatures of the deep and Thassa's protective nature.
Octopus-tentacle: Signifying Thassa's connection to aquatic life and mysteries.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Change: Recognize the inevitability of gradual change and the enduring power of the sea.
  Seek Ancient Knowledge: Value the wisdom found in the depths of the ocean and the passage of time.
  Voyage and Explore: Embrace long voyages and exploration, for the sea holds endless mysteries.
  Respect Repetitive Patterns: Understand and respect the rhythmic patterns of the tides and the ocean.
  Guard the Ocean’s Bounty: Protect the creatures and treasures of the sea as manifestations of Thassa's dominion.


Tidecaller’s Revelry: Celebrating the cyclical nature of the tides, marked by communal feasts and oceanic rituals.
  Deep Voyage Commemoration: Honoring those who venture into the ocean's depths for exploration and knowledge.


Contacts & Relations

Thassa, secure in her status, maintains distant relations with other gods. She appreciates the ancient knowledge overseen by Kruphix, the God of Horizons and shares a neutral stance with Nylea, God of the Hunt and her domain of the natural world. While not openly hostile, Thassa is selective in her interactions, especially concerning Yanna, God of Messages and Wisdom, whose tempestuous nature might clash with the sea's tranquility.
Divine Classification


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