The Legio Astra

"We wait in Auroran Light"

The Legio Astra are the champions of the Asguardian Arena and enforcers of the Throne of Serath Prime. They are the legion who stand on watch as the royal guard of Serath Prime. They thirst for opportunity to prove themselves against those who would challenge the will of He Who Hungers.

They are the champions of the Asguardian Arena, each personally chosen, raised up, and trained so that they may protect and defend Serath Prime. They stand at the ready to enforce the will of the Throne of Serath Prime and defend mortal-kind in the war to come. Like the mighty God of Beasts, they hunger for opportunity to prove their honor.

The Legio Astra are led by none other than the reigning Kings of Serath Prime: Hugo Baylock of Zandora, formally of Flux Flagon, and Istaran Duodecim of Theros, formally of the Venator Society. Both Lords have used their unique knowledges and skills to form this formidible force into the best group of warriors the city has seen in ages.

Their emblem can be found emblazoned on breastplates and shields and a pink and purple shield with the Serath Prime Crest prominently featured.


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