Venator Society

Ideals & Values
The Venator Society, is a hunting guild. Slaying monsters that disrupt the natural ecosystem and endanger the world as a whole. The Society itself finds problems that are happening in the wild, and set missions for freelance adventurers, mercenaries, and hunters to take. These missions are often creatures are too close to civilization, or have some anomalous behavior that requires study, or are overly aggressive, etc. The culture around these hunts is that they're trying to keep nature in balance, not destroy it. So hunters are encouraged to bring as much of the creatures back as they can, for a bonus, so the entire body can be used. They're also discouraged from going out of their way to hunt more than necessary.
  Because of the culture of Theros, where the Venator Society was founded, it attracts a lot of young warriors to prove themselves in battle. It's a right of passage for young warriors, there's a lot of glory to be had in a Venator Society mission. For two reasons. Firstly, fighting a dangerous creature as proof of your combat abilities, obviously. And Secondly, you're doing something to better your local society. Any old schmuck with a sword can go out and kill a bulette. But a hero will bring that bulette home, and use it to clothe her community. That's a lot of meat you'd be leaving out in the wild. So frequently, these up and coming fighters will prove themselves not just as honorable and strong, but generous and a means for growing the community.
  A tradition with the young warriors who claim victory in a Venator Society mission, is to wear the visage or parts of their first hunt. Whether it's a lions head paldron for killing a manticore, or maybe drake hide armor. Or maybe even just fashion their armor to look like dragon scales, to emulate the kobolds dragon they slayed.
Venatus. Libra. Gloria.
Forest Green, dull yellow, and BLOOD RED.
Leader Name & Striker Art
Istaron (Gladiator) - Keranos' Thunderbolt
Rook (Rabid Moth) - Improvised Weapon Mastery
Realm of Origin
Theros (greek/norse mythos)
The Venator Society has existed for a good couple hundred years on Theros. Starting small as a small group of problem solvers. Eventually it grew larger and larger. Growing into a large guild that focused on hiring freelancers rather than being a dedicated group.
  The Group has gone under a diverse amount of leaders. Including people from the Istaran tribe. Recently two new members have taken up some chairs on the High Venator Council. The last surviving member of the Istaran clan, which they're very happy to have. And some homeless moth they found on the side of the road. She's kind of a freak, but MAN, point her a direction and tell her to go and she just goes ham.


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