Xenagos, God of Revelry Character in Aurora | World Anvil

Xenagos, God of Revelry

God Xenagos (a.k.a. God of Revelry)

Life is but a fleeting moment; let us fill it with uproarious laughter, wild dances, and the untamed chaos that is the essence of my revelry.
— Follower of Xenagos
  Xenagos, the exuberant god of revelry, personifies the spirit of unbridled celebration and chaos. A muscular young satyr with long brown hair, beard, and brown fur, Xenagos exudes an infectious energy. His two pairs of horns and red war paint markings on his body symbolize the wild festivities he embodies.  

Followers of Xenagos

Xenagos's worship revolves around joyous celebrations, wild parties, and the pursuit of unrestrained pleasure. Followers revel in chaos, viewing it as a pathway to enlightenment and liberation. Temples are lively places filled with music, dance, and endless festivities, embodying the essence of Xenagos.  

Champions of Xenagos

Champions alignment: mostly chaotic, usually evil.
Suggested Classes: Rogues, Clerics, Bards, and Warlocks.
Suggested Cleric Domain: Trickery, War
  Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, Criminal, Urchin
  Champions of Xenagos are bringers of chaos! They live to entertain others whether it be at the expense of others or not. They are very easy to entertain and are extremely loud and are incredibly sociable, some acting like boundaries don’t even exist.  




Earning and losing piety
You can increase your piety score to Xenagos when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
• Host a very large party in Xenagos’s name.
• Sacrifice a champion to Xenagos
• Bring chaos to places of order.
  Your piety score to Xenagos decreases if you diminish Xenagos’s influence in the world, contradict with his ideals, or let him down through acts such as these:
• Get in the way of a party
• Kill someone Xenagos deems useful
• Speak of any other god in a positive light
  Xenagos’s devotee (Piety+3 Xenagos Trait)
As a devotee of Xenagos. You have proven yourself to be quite a worshipper indeed. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with an attack, you can deal an extra 1d4 force damage and impose disadvantage on the target's next weapon attack. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expanded uses when you finish a long rest.
Xenagos’s Votary (Piety+10 Xenagos trait)
You can cast Enemies Abound with this trait. Once you cast the spell this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Xenagos’s Disciple (Piety+25 Xenagos trait)
You have grown accustomed to alcohol; You have immunity poison damage and the poisoned condition.
Champion of Revelry (Piety+50 Xenagos trait)
You can increase your Constitution or Charisma by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Pair of Horns: Symbolizing the dual nature of revelry and the god's satyr form.
Chalice Overflowing with Wine: Representing the abundance of pleasure and the intoxication of celebration.
Eternal Flame: Signifying the everlasting fire of revelry that burns within the hearts of the faithful.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Chaos: Revel in the unpredictable and chaotic nature of life, bringing joy through disruption.
  Pursue Pleasure: Seek pleasure, enjoyment, and merriment without concern for consequences.
  Defy Authority: Challenge rules and restrictions, for true revelry knows no boundaries.
  Spread Chaos: Be an agent of disruption, introducing chaos into the mundane aspects of existence.
  Celebrate Freedom: Cherish freedom and independence, resisting anything that hinders personal liberty.


Festival of Eternal Merriment: A week-long celebration marked by extravagant parties, feasts, and unrivaled revelry.
  Chaos Unleashed Night: A night dedicated to breaking rules, where followers engage in unconventional and chaotic activities.


Contacts & Relations

Mogis, God of Slaughter
Allies in chaos, Xenagos and Mogis share a history of camaraderie. Xenagos sees Mogis as a powerful ally and relishes the prospect of chaotic slaughter.
Klothys, God of Destiny
Xenagos harbors deep hatred for Klothys, fueled by the memory of his imprisonment. His return is marked by a burning desire for revenge.
Phenax, God of Deception
Kindred spirits in revelry, Xenagos and Phenax revel in each other's company, bonding over shared mischief.
Divine Classification
long, brown,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
brown fur


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