Xenagos, God of Revelry

Xenagos, God of Revelry 
The god of revelry is here to party, and has his eyes on the perfect playground known as Theros. Freed from his prison due to the death of Kloyths, Xenagos has invited himself back to the pantheon to the surprise of the other gods. They all have mixed feelings on him returning, regardless however they feel, the god of revelry is here to stay.
He appears as a muscular young satyr with long brown hair and beard, brown fur down to his hooves, two pairs of horns. As well as markings along his body that appears to be red war paint.
Relationship with other gods
____________________________________________________________________________ Mogis, the god of slaughter: Xenagos’s old killing buddy! Xenagos sees Mogis as a very powerful warrior and valuable ally. He would love nothing more than to slaughter with Mogis once again.
  Klothys, the god of destiny: Xenagos absolutely despises Klothys with all of his heart. Ever since he was imprisoned by her, he has been plotting his way to escape.
  Phenax, the god of deception: Xenagos and Phenax get along extremely well. They love to party together, drinking the night away.
Xenagos’s champions
____________________________________________________________________________ Xenagos expects only the finest of revelers and the most powerful agents of chaos. Xenagos is very picky and expects lots of booze and partying in his name. Xenagos has a heavy bias towards those who have spread more memorable and fun chaos, making him more likely to answer their calls then others.
  Xenagos’s Champions alignment: mostly chaotic, usually evil.
  Suggested classes: Rogues, Clerics, Bards, and Warlocks.
  Suggested Cleric Domain: Trickery, War

  Suggested backgrounds: Charlatan, Criminal, Urchin

  Champions of Xenagos are bringers of chaos! They live to entertain others whether it be at the expense of others or not. They are very easy to entertain and are extremely loud and are incredibly sociable, some acting like boundaries don’t even exist.
Xenagos’s ideals
D6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (any)
2 Egotistical. I am the greatest and no one will tell me otherwise (chaotic)
3 Cruelty. I do not care for your safety unless it is to my benefit. (evil)
4 Comedy. I find everything funny! Even the pain of others.. (chaotic)
5 Party animal. I will always try to have fun! No matter what. (chaotic)
6 Rule breaker. I will make it a point to not listen to any rules ever. (chaotic)
____________________________________________________________________________ Earning and losing piety
You can increase your piety score to Xenagos when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Host a very large party in Xenagos’s name.
• Sacrifice a champion to Xenagos
• Bring chaos to places of order.

  Your piety score to Xenagos decreases if you diminish Xenagos’s influence in the world, contradict with his ideals, or let him down through acts such as these:
  • Get in the way of a party
• Kill someone Xenagos deems useful
• Speak of any other god in a positive light

  Xenagos’s devotee (Piety+3 Xenagos Trait)
As a devotee of Xenagos. You have proven yourself to be quite a worshipper indeed. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with an attack, you can deal an extra 1d4 force damage and impose disadvantage on the target's next weapon attack. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expanded uses when you finish a long rest.
  Xenagos’s Votary (Piety+10 Xenagos trait)
You can cast Enemies Abound with this trait. Once you cast the spell this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  Xenagos’s Disciple (Piety+25 Xenagos trait)
You have grown accustomed to alcohol; You have immunity poison damage and the poisoned condition.
  Champion of Revelry (Piety+50 Xenagos trait)
You can increase your Constitution or Charisma by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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