Yanna, God of Messages and Wisdom

Yanna, God of Messages and Wisdom
Yanna is the Goddess of messages, and wisdom. She is depicted as a fox with four tails and transform from a fox into a humanoid female creature with only her tails and fox ears remaining. She has an abundance of beauty in her humanoid form, with pale, fair skin and white fur.
  She delivers anything the gods sometimes in the form of messages, secrets, and souls. Occasionally the gods will send her on tasks they don't want to do themselves. They often take advantage of her (duty) kindness and neutrality. Yanna will sometimes appear before a mortal only for an instant before a good or bad life-changing event. She has been known to trade knowledge and wisdom with mortals but comes typically at a tremendous cost depending on what is asked. "life is not handed on a silver platter. one must prove themselves worthy" - Yanna.
  Yanna is neither good nor evil. She Loves All Creatures equally, no matter how evil or good they are. She takes promises particularly seriously. Yanna believes when mortals achieve self-fulfillment, it is the true path to finding their true enlightenment and inner peace no matter the goal or ambition. "One must learn to walk before running and learn to have patience before walking." - Yanna. Her temples are typically challenging to get to visit, usually residing in jungles, forests, and on the side of mountains
Relationship with other gods
Mogis god of slaughter: Mogis often asks Yanna to deliver insults to Ceri.
  Ceri, God of Love: Ceri thinks Yanna is just the best! She helps him find people's true soulmates and summons her for very long conversations.
  Purphoros, God of the forge: Yanna helps in Purphoros forge and does all of his godly deliveries.
  Phenax, God of Deception: He takes advantage of her talents for his own Twisted schemes. Generally in the form of messages or disguises.
  Klothys: God of destiny: They're considered close friends and often have philosophical debates amongst each other.
Yanna’s champions
Anyone can be a champion of Yanna if they have the proper discipline and drive. She seeks those that have the self-discipline to strive to improve themselves. Becoming a balance in nature and in thought. She notices those that are ready for ultimate sacrifices in what they believe in. Yanna's champions primarily consist of monks, paladins, and philosophers.
  Yanna's Champions alignment: Neutral
  Suggested classes: Monks, paldins, and clerics
  Suggested Cleric Domain: Knowledge, and Life
  Suggested backgrounds: Acolyte, Far Traveler, Hermit, Sage
  Followers of Yanna try to overcome obstacles in their life to find true enlightenment. They typically meditate every day before praying for Clairvoyance of the mind and balance of existence. Devout followers of religion often remain in temples studying the wisdom of Yanna. Many non-followers go to the temples for guidance and advice, free from judgment.
Yanna's ideals
Ideals D7
1. Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (any)
2. Understanding. The wisdom of others is the key to understanding oneself. (neutral)
3. Kindness. I will treat all as equal, no matter the race or appearance. (good)
4. Determination. I will do anything to get enlightenment. (Chaotic)
5. Will. I will not let others dictate my fate (neutral)
6. Forgiveness. I will try to forgive others for their transgressions. (good)
7. Knowledge. The path to one's inner self is through knowledge. (Neutral)


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