Zyvrun Quiran

About Zyvrun Quiran   Zyvrun has always been of a noble heart. He cared more for others than he cared for himself. He was always the first to jump into a fight to protect the bullied. After all, silence helps not the oppressed, but the oppressor. As a follower of the God of the Polis, he was tasked as a protector of the cities that dotted the landscape. With his celestial heritage and the powers of his deity/patron, he accomplished all goals set forth by them.   About Zyvrun's Relationship with Other Gods   The Pantheon Divided. During his mortal existence, he had a great relationship with his adventuring party, especially the Goddess of Trickery and Faeries Ambrosy, prior to him becoming a god, and a few joined him in divinity.   Ephara. Original patron and deity he followed and has since joined her in protecting cities and civilizations from those that wish to do it harm.   Heliod. Heliod is the god of the laws that govern society. As a protector and God of Civilization, Zyvrun respects him immensely. Though they have their general disagreements, they both respect each other in their respective roles.   Nylea. Unlike Ephara, Zyvrun has no problem with the God of the Hunt. Thanks to his travels and friendship with Zazi the Blade, he agrees that there must be a balance. While protecting of the humanoid races is his priority, Zyvrun also agrees with Nylea about protecting the wilds. Different methods but similar goals.   About Zyvrun's Champions    Champions Alignment: Any good alignment   Suggested classes: Cleric, Warlock, Sorcerer   Suggested Cleric Domain: Life, Twilight, Peace, and Light   Suggested backgrounds: Far Traveler, Hermit, Sage, Acolyte   About Zyvrun's Worshippers    Zyvrun's worshipers are typically those that embody his beliefs. Protect the cities, towns, and people while maintaining balance with the wilds. Sometimes that requires fighting against the city, and sometimes that requires fighting with them. Ideally, situations are resolved without any kind of fighting, but sometimes that is not an option. Either way, the least violence affecting the least people is Zyvrun's goal. Healing over help. Peace over war.    About Zyvrun's Ideals   
D6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Justice. Laws keep society functioning, and I must see to it that they are enforced. (Lawful)
3 Protection. I must keep all cities safe from threats both external and internal. (Any)
4 Fairness. The purpose of law is to establish fair and equitable relationships among people and gods. (Good)
5 Dichotomy. Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps. (Neutral)
6 Selflessness. Help all that you can, even if it means sacrificing something dear to you. (Good)


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