
Forgotten Facts Rediscovered
When presented with seemingly corroborating facts that align to form a narrative, most people readily accept it. Fortunately, the Althulathiu Ascendants were not among the ‘most.’ These fallen faithful uncovered not just a story, but undeniable facts about the Peren.   Contrary to common belief, the Peren were not merely ‘bred’ into existence. While the Mól did employ selective breeding to reinforce specific traits, the creation of a race demanded a more intricate process. The Mól, still renowned as the greatest alchemists of all time, surpassed mere breeding. They could brew evolution, infuse creativity, and bottle tradition. In Erôth, they birthed a number of races that surpassed those naturally evolved. Among these, the Peren stood as nearly their masterpiece and a source of pride.   During the reign of the Mól empire, the people now known as Peren (Taal for ‘Immortality’) were originally referred to as Abstergo. More accurately, they constituted the Abstergo line—an evolutionary lineage of successive improvements. Today’s Peren would correspond to Abstergo 8s, 9s, and even 10s, each specimen uniquely designed with its own strengths.  

The Abstergo

Comprised of distinct iterations, the Abstergo represent a meticulously crafted lineage of beings created by the Mól during the height of the empire. Abstergo one through seven remain elusive and may never resurface. While the eighth through tenth are detailed below, it’s important to acknowledge the continuation of this line. The elevens, driven by an unrelenting hunger for violence; the twelves, with only three discovered creations; and the singular thirteenth. Abstergo XIII is a unique and solitary being. (Their gender identity remains unknown, and in instances where assumed to be male, no correction was made.) Had the Mól survived to see what XIII became, it’s possible he was what they were aiming for the whole time.  
Abstergo VIII
The Abstergo 8s epitomize perfect servitude. Radiating a pleasant aura, their industrious nature and innate susceptibility to manipulation make them ideal companions. Whether in domestic settings or fulfilling more specialized tasks, these beings are a seamless blend of amiability and efficiency.
Abstergo IX
As for the Abstergo 9s, they ascend to the role of perfect commanders. Exuding inspiration, they possess strategic minds honed for leadership and a commendable prowess in combat. Their command extends beyond mere authority, as they become the cornerstone of tactical brilliance and motivational strength within the hierarchy.  
Abstergo X*
The Abstergo 10s transcend the qualities of their predecessors. While retaining charisma, their exceptional ability lies in their profound attention to intricate details. They perceive the world as an intricate puzzle, and solving puzzles becomes their forte. Beyond this, they achieve a feat that fulfills the deepest desires of the Mól—shaping the world without reliance on magic or alchemy. Inevitably, they also discovered prowess as capable leaders—a development that inevitably contributed to the downfall of their masters and the entire Mól empire.   * requires DM approval  


Type Humanoid (peren)
Ability Score Modifier There are different attribute for each Abstergo.
Abstergo VIII
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Charisma.
Abstergo IX
+2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma.
Abstergo X
+4 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution.
Size medium
Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Language Likely the language of your childhood was Peren. Peren also acts as the ‘common’ tongue in Erôth.
Age. Peren mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, hitting middle age in their early sixties. Despite their ‘golden years’ beginning around a century and a quarter, its common to exceed 180 years.
Peren look identical to humans until the age of 25. Then they slowly start to show their true nature over the next decade or two.
Low-Light Vision: Due to the Mól’s design, peren can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Abstergo VIII
Detail Oriented: With a keen eye, gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks for non-magical crafted goods.
Industrious. Dedicated to their craft, VIIIs gain a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of choice.
Invested: Abstergo 8s receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Tireless: A combination of tenacity and a hearty body grants Abstergo VIIIs a +4 bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion.
Abstergo IX
War-Leader: A natural cunning for leadership and warfare, Abstergo IXs learn how to best lead on the battlefield. They gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Profession (soldier) checks as well as to their Leadership score (for the purpose of the Leadership feat). Armies they control in mass combat gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and saves.
Weapon Familiarity: IX’s are born with a keen instinct when handling of certain ancetrial weapons. They gain proficiency with the bastard sword and kukri.  
Abstergo X*
Awoken Mind: Xs with Intelligence scores of 11 or higher gain the following psi-like abilities: 1/day—Call to Mind, Empathy, and Conceal Thoughts. The manifester level for these effects is equal to the abstergo’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the power’s level + the abstergo’s Intelligence modifier.
Mól Ancestry. Abstergo X are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Naturally Psionic: Xs recieve the Wild Talent feat as a bonus 1st level feat.
Repletion (Su): A X can sustain their body without need of food or water. If they spend 1 power point, a X does not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
  * requires DM approval


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