Mikhail's Notes on Idir

My notes are gathered from tales passed down by common folk, snippets found in old tomes, and the occasional rumor heard in taverns by traveling adventurers and merchants. They offer a glimpse into the mysteries and dangers that still linger in Idir, though their accuracy may vary…   Idir is a region steeped in the remnants of the once-mighty Mól Empire, ruled by hobgoblins known for their alchemical prowess and later mastery of elemental magics. The empire has long since fallen, leaving behind a land believed to be shrouded in curses. While many dismiss these curses as mere myths, there are persistent rumors of their reality. It is said that several, perhaps five or more, distinct curses haunt the land. Each rumored curse is scattered across the region.  

Origins of the Curses

The origin of these curses lies in the dark history of the Mól Empire. It is said that the empire met its demise due to their ignorance of the core tenets of magical safety. Alas, the Arcane Congress did not exist back then. Some believe the collapse of the Mól Empire was one of the triggering events that lead to the foundation of the AC. Maybe one day I’ll discover the truth…    

The Rumored Curses:

Curse of the Shattered Throne:

Location: All of Idir, mountains to rivers; from the grassy plains to the forests.
Curse: This curse is believed to ensure the failure of all rulers in Idir.
Rumor: Rulers supposedly descend into madness, governments may collapse due to internal strife, and the land may suffer from famine, drought, or plague. While these terrible events happen all over Erôth, people believe it to be more frequent in Idir. People believe this is because of a curse. Really, there is no evidence to support this — that is aside from the fact that the massive Peredhel Empire surrounds Idir and fails to install lasting control over its lands…  

Twisted Grove:

Location: Deep in the forest, between two rivers.
Curse: People who venture into those woods just never return. Some believe the trees are alive and hostile. Others say the curse turns travelers into trees themselves.
Rumor: It’s said planting a special tree can calm the forest. But what tree?  

Wraithblade Keep:

Location: On a hill, at the end of a river that flows underground.
Curse: Few have returned from this place, and when they speak, they say one of their own would turn on the rest, killing many if not all their companions!
Rumor: They say this was the home of a great warrior. Now their spirit is restless. Rumors also suggest an armory with a stockpile of the finest weapons and armor to be found.  

Chaos Keep:

Location: On a steep hill, north of the eastern forest.
Curse: This place is said to bend the mind to break. To a point of no return.
Rumor: It’s said that those who even come within sight of this keep best be wary. It has the ability to break a wise man’s mind. Of all that set foot on its grounds and returned, none have had the capacity to speak… if they lived for long at all.  

Valley of Doom:

Location: Somewhere west in the mountains, in a valley or cave.
Curse: Something that rips flesh and breaks bone. This is a nasty one…
Rumor: People talk of a place where you can find bodies torn to shreds. No trace of what wrought the horror.   Signed:
Mikhail Kethrel
Study, Historical


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