Titanism Organization in Aurum | World Anvil


The most widely practiced religion in Aurum is founded on universal principles: that we are all part of something greater, and interconnected. As the collective inheritors of the Titans' gift, it is our duty to honor one-another and maintain the cycle of life.

Since all life originates from the Titans, we are all siblings: from the smallest insects to the greatest of trees, we are all part of one great family.


Talltree was once famous for its multitude of Titanist Monasteries that surround the base of the tree, where pilgrims would flock to whisper secrets to its roots. The Re-emergence has deterred most pilgrimage, but many monks still call the monasteries home.

Mythology & Lore

Long ago, the Titans strode through the stars & ruled everything that was, but they warred with one another for absolute dominion. By the time their war was over, only two remained: the Titans Lux & Umbre (the old Elvish words for Light & Dark). The world they lived in was perfect, but like their ancestors, their hearts were filled with greed. They despised having to share the world with one another, and rather than simply coinciding in eternal peace, they unleashed a cosmic fury upon each other. Their spilled blood would become the ocean, and where their bodies fell would become the land.

Divine Origins

The Ancient Elves are commonly regarded as the first practitioners of Titanism, but there's no written history documenting its rise to popularity. The faith was, for many centuries, passed down entirely through spoken word.

Cosmological Views

Titanism describes all of the cosmos as a circle: a series of infinite points equidistant from one another in both time & space. The smallest particles & the largest star systems are not coincidentally similar, they are the same. Titanists do not tell a story of the creation or destruction of the cosmos because a circle has no beginning and no end.

Tenets of Faith

The Circle forbids the inherently evil acts of murder, rape, and thievery, but members of the Circle will not be excommunicated or expelled for any reason. The Circle teaches its followers that we are all descendants of the Gods, and that our mistakes (and the mistakes of our ancestors) are meant to be learned from, not blindly punished. 

The spirital ideal of Titanism is simple: Just as night becomes day, Death becomes Life. Honor the Cycle, and respect your surroundings. All things are a sacred gift from the past to the future.


The Titanists consider reproduction not just everyone's right, but their duty. To forego another generation is to cut short your ancestors' otherwise limitless gift to the future.


The Circle's practitioners are well known for praying to plant-life, particularly large & old trees, as they are said to hold secrets for future generations.

It is traditional for parents within the Circle to plant a tree when a child is born. Almost all practitioners maintain a personal garden of some kind, in order to contribute as much as possible to the cycle of life.

Honor the Cycle

Religious, Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Circle, Breederism (derogatory)