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Session 3 - Rolth

General Summary

Returning to the citadel, the group finds not just Jadis, but also two members of the Shoantai Tribe. The first introduces himself as Thousand Bones, the second is his adopted orc grandson Jagged Tooth. A member of their tribe was killed in the recent uprising, and sold to a necromancer named Rolth. If the Shoantai warrior's body isn't burned per his religion, the more warmongering members of the tribe will attack Cordova. The mention of Gaedren's son puts a fire under the group and they agree to bring Jagged Tooth to identify the body.   Arriving at the city's cemetery, the Grey District, Drogo finds tracks leading into a crypt. Jagged Tooth finds a hidden stone door, and the group heads underground. They are quickly attacked by Skeletons and a massive Owlbear Skeleton. After dispatching Rolth's creations they continue underground until they find themselves in a giant necromantic laboratory. Searching room by room, Jagged Tooth finds a pile of corpses with a Otyugh feasting atop them. Working together, Drogo is able to fell the beast while the orc retrieves part of his kin's body.   Continuing into the complex, Ignis triggers a trap, but is deftly able to escape it. Jagged Tooth brings down the two Necrophidiuses that tried to poison his new friend. In another room, Drogo finds a Derro necromancer named Vreeg practicing his craft on some corpses. Raging, Jagged Tooth kills the Zombie and evil mage.   Ignis continues to explore the sprawling underground complex, while an injured Drogo hangs back. The group happens upon an old enemy, Giggles. Jagged Tooth quickly ends his fits of laughter. They find the rest of the Shoantai warrior's body, but Rolth is nowhere to be seen.   Upon returning the body, Jagged Tooth decides to stick with the group until they find and kill Rolth. Jadis pays them for their service, and informs them that someone has been apprehended for the murder of the king. She is wary that an innocent has been put on trial and asks the group to attend the execution. When they arrive they see that Lindsa is the woman who stands accused. Ignis helps a local hero, Blackjack, rescue the barkeep, and Giancarlo helps the group remove her from the city.   When they arrive back in Cordova, Grau asks the group to come and help his niece. She seems to suffer from some new disease. They meet a cleric of Abadar named Ishanti. He heals the girl, and asks the group to help him investigate the cause. Ignis questions the girl and learns that she found a small pouch of money that a man seemed to drop on purpose. The young wizards deduces that the money must have contained trace amounts of the plague. When they arrive at the shop where she claims she spent the money, they find the shopkeeper appears to be sick. A concerned Ishanti asks the group to meet him at the Bank of Abadar the following day. Hopefully they are not too late to stop the spreading virus.
Report Date
06 Feb 2021

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