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Wilvert Zilver

Gnome alchemist with a merchant's background

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wilvert Zilver comes from a joyous and happy family of merchants that travel around the world crafting and selling goods.   One night a little before dark demons attacked his families caravan, starting with demon fire burning his father. Wilvert hid in a tree and dare not move till the fiends left. He could hear the screams of his family fighting till their last breath. He was paralyzed with fear and sat in tree for what seemed like and eternity. Once the shock had worn off he removed himself from the tree. All that remained were burnt and broken items the family had crafted and collected over the years.   Through his miserable, anxiety ridden travels all he could think about was the gnome curse. He had never met anyone with the curse. Wilvert's Grandma Globehlina the third once told him that if gnomes ever get depressed, really angry or are struck with fear for a long time the curse causes them to lose all their color shrivel up and die.   Eventually Wilvert started to see strands of white hair appear on his head. So he quickly turned to alcohol to try and forget. One morning by the river while Wilvert was throwing up his sorrows, but mostly alcohol, a goblin startled him. While the goblin was collecting samples of the water or maybe Wilvert's puke he noticed the gnone was troubled. Maybe the Goblin understood the curse or was just really nice but either offered to take in Wilvert and teach him the ways of alchemy.   This helped Wilvert keep his mind off his past and returned the color of his hair to bright green. With a new lease on life and a vow to make a concoction so vile it will melt the flesh of his enemies or the demons from his past. He is ready for adventure.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kills:   Inquisitor Archers - 1   Imp - 1   Devil - 2   Naga - 1   Hellhound - 1   Barbazu - 2   Skulgrim - 1   Mind Flayer - 1   Band of the Broken Staff Footman - 5
Taro's Character

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