Cartographer Document in Austerria | World Anvil
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It’s of the utmost importance to remember that a good cartographer knows how to tell a story to a horse. The story does not have to be accurate, but it does have to entertain the horse.
  As a cartographer, you have a sharp eye for detail and take an interest in people, history, and natural features. You help advance your franchise by discovering and mapping new locations or hidden features, acquiring rare maps, and using different modes of transportation in secure and clever ways.   Essential Functions: Create and maintain maps of a franchise’s journeys; dictate directions   Position Proficiency: In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus when you make an ability check to create or examine maps, search for new paths in the wild, or assess a route for possible dangers.    

Ardant Rank I

    Proficiencies and Starting Equipment As a rank 1 cartographer, you gain proficiency with cartographer’s tools, and your choice of vehicles (land) or vehicles (water).   Head Office also grants you the use of cartographer’s supplies (quill, ink, parchment, a pair of compasses, calipers, and a ruler), a waterproof leather map case, a spyglass, and a supply of colored inks.   It’s a Rental At rank 1, at the start of any mission, you can requisition a second-hand draft horse and cart (barely functional), riding horses and ponies (typically well aged, one for each party member), passage on a ship or ferry (might require minor labor as part of the fare), and similar transportation. Any damage or losses to requisitioned equipment is expected to be repaid to Head Office.  

Ardant Rank II

  Spyglass of Clairvoyance At rank 2, your Head Office-supplied spyglass becomes a common magic item. As an action, you can look through the spyglass of clairvoyance at a location within 1 mile of you that is obstructing your view, such as a mountain, castle, or forest. You must then succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom check using cartographer’s tools to map the natural terrain found within three miles of that chosen point. You do not gain any knowledge of creatures, structures, or anything other than natural terrain. This property of the spyglass cannot be used again until the next dawn.   Tale of Safe Travel Starting at rank 2, you gain the ability to perform a 45-minute ritual using your cartographer’s tools, maps, and 50 gp in consumed material components. By doing so, you ensure safe travel for you and other creatures, from your current location to another location you could normally reach within one day. The destination must be one to which you have traveled previously, or for which you have an accurate route and map.  

Ardant Rank III

  Map of Shortcuts At rank 3, your map case becomes a common magic item. In addition to storing normal maps, your cartographer’s map case can be used to generate a special map identifying a shortcut. You can use your action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, with a success revealing a map buried in your cartographer’s map case noting a relevant shortcut . Your travel time is reduced by half while you follow that route. If you succeed at the check by 5 or more, the map includes notes on the terrain, granting you advantage on the next ability check you make to travel through the mapped area in the next hour. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.   Map of the Moment Starting at rank 3, you can use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check and search your cartographer’s map case to find a map either related to your current mission or inspiring a new one. On a success, you find a map with a prominent landmark. The map has information on the natural terrain within one mile of the landmark. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until dawn seven days later.  

Ardant Rank IV

  Elder Cartographer’s Glossography When you attain rank 4, you gain a small tome that is an uncommon magic item. The elder cartographer’s glossography grants advantage on Intelligence or Wisdom checks related to geographical features or locations.   Greater Tale of Safe Travel Also at rank 4, your Tale of Safe Travel feature can now span up to three days of travel. If your franchise headquarters is mobile, you can include it in your Tale of Safe Travel, and can also include items or goods weighing up to 2,000 pounds.   It’s of the utmost importance to remember that a good cartographer knows how to tell a story to a horse. The story does not have to be accurate, but it does have to entertain the horse.   — Rosie Beestinger   Why Be a Cartographer?   d8 Reason
  1. A paranoid person by nature, you like seeing what’s ahead of you at all times.
  2. Your parent was a cartographer, their parent was a cartographer, and by the gods, you’re going to be one too.
  3. You’re fairly certain no one else in your party even knows how to hold a map, let alone read one.
  4. You like spyglasses. A lot.
  5. Your nickname as a child was “the cartography kid.”
  6. Contrary to popular opinion, the destination is much, much more important than the journey.
  7. A good map is like an adventure without the bugs. And the mud. And the wolves.
  8. You suffer from the nagging feeling of never knowing why you’ve come into a room, and you need the professional flourish that lets you cover for that.
Renowned Cartographer


Half-Orc Cartographer (Fighter)   Cartographer Grost was once so lost that he had to sleep on rocks and eat things that were not, strictly speaking, food. Determined to avoid this in future, he began leaving trails of things behind him — trails he would often find again later, or intersect with at odd angles. Imagine his relief when he discovered maps. Grost was not born a cartographer, but that hasn’t kept him from reaching the apex of the profession.

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