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The key to the hoardsperson’s job is cataloging all goods that enter the party’s possession. You may also catalog goods that do not belong to the party. Sometimes it works.  
Each hoards­person plays the vital role of managing a franchise’s resources — including the inventory of all supplies used and treasure gained during an adventure. As a hoards­person, you are known as a trustworthy and responsible individual. You support your franchise by demonstrating accuracy, avoiding shortfalls, and anticipating resource needs.   Essential Functions: Manage stores and items; track resources   Position Proficiency: In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to an ability check to negotiate a price for goods and services, assess the quality of equipment and treasure, or analyze resources in a local area.          

Ardante Rank I

Proficiencies and Starting Equipment As a rank 1 hoards­person, you gain proficiency with jeweler’s tools.   Head office also grants you the use of jeweler’s tools (a small saw and hammer, files, pliers, and tweezers) and an account ledger, as well as up to 5 gp worth of equipment from the following options: barrel, basket, block and tackle, bucket, chest, flask or tankard, jug or pitcher, iron pot, pouch, sack, saddlebags, vial, and waterskin.   What a Deal Also at rank 1, you can use your extensive supply network to buy one item found on any table in the “Mounts and Vehicles” or “Trade Goods” sections in chapter 5 of the Player’s Handbook and have it delivered to your franchise headquarters within one day. With a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, you also negotiate a 50 percent discount on the item.   If you fail the check, you cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest. When you use this feature successfully twice, you cannot use it again until your franchise attains the next rank.  

Ardante Rank II

Living Loot Satchel As a rank 2 hoardsperson, you are granted the use of a living loot satchel, which is an uncommon magic item. It functions as a bag of holding and is available in a variety of colors and styles.   The living loot satchel is a kind of magical being that safeguards the franchise’s funds and valuables. Its innards are connected to a secure coffer within Head Office’s vault in Blueport, to which the satchel periodically transfers the franchise’s wealth. As an action, you can transfer any amount of your franchise funds back to your satchel with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.   Living the Good Life Also at rank 2, Head Office trusts that as long as your needs are met, you have no reason to skim any profits. You maintain a wealthy lifestyle at no cost to you.  

Ardante Rank III

Secret Satchel As a rank 3 hoards­person, your living loot satchel gets an upgrade to function as the replica chest used for the Leomund’s secret chest spell, becoming a rare magic item. You can open the secret chest through your living loot satchel to deposit or withdraw items — even items that wouldn’t normally fit in your satchel, but which fit within the chest. Thanks to Head Office striking deals you don’t want to know about with extraplanar creatures you really don’t want to know about, there is no chance for the spell to end.   That Thing You Need At rank 3, you can use a bonus action to reach into your living loot satchel and make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. On a success, you draw forth an item of your choice on the Adventuring Gear table in chapter 5 of the Player’s Handbook. The item must be of a size that can fit into your secret chest and be worth no more than 15 gp. Once you attempt to draw five items from your satchel, you cannot draw forth any more items until the next dawn.  

Ardante Rank IV

Portable Hole Satchel At rank 4, your living loot satchel receives another upgrade, becoming a very rare magic item. The secret chest accessed by your satchel now has the storage capacity of a portable hole — 6 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep. As before, you can place any appropriately sized object into the portable-hole-sized chest, even if it wouldn’t normally fit into your satchel.   That Expensive Thing You Need Also at rank 4, when you use your That Thing You Need feature, you can requisition any item of up to 250 gp in value, as long as it would fit into the confines of your satchel’s portable hole.   Why Be a Hoardsperson?   d8 Reason
  1. You once tried to dive into a huge pool of gold coins. It hurt.
  2. You’ve been betrayed by your adventuring party before, and there’s no way now that you’ll trust anyone else to hold on to the loot
  3. Once, through a series of increasingly complex negotiations, you traded a paper clip for temporary control of a minor fiefdom.
  4. Material possessions don’t mean that much to you. Or at least that’s the story you’re going with.
  5. You’ve never had a problem spending other people’s money. Surely keeping other people’s money can’t be that hard.
  6. You believe there’s no such thing as worthless goods. Only unmotivated buyers.
  7. You’re not a hoarder. More of a passionate collector. You can stop anytime you want. Really.
  8. Given the personalities of the other party members, it was mutually agreed that you were the only one who could be trusted
Renowned Hoards­person


  Tabaxi Hoardsperson (Rogue)   Forever in search of “twinkles,” Two Dry Cloaks has a deep enthusiasm for treasure and a broad definition of what “treasure” might mean. As an old saying has it, “the hoard is the heart of a franchise,” and the tabaxi makes that case for her franchise every day. She believes that the contents of a hoard — as delivered to and from Head Office by way of the hoardsperson’s living loot satchel — are the most true, most dispassionate assessment of a team’s progress.


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