BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Loremongers talk a lot. It’s best to let them.  
As a loremonger, you are a studious individual, usually with an interest in history or technical subjects. You might revel in your role, working as a central figure in your franchise as you use your knowledge to promote it. Or you might operate from the shadows, resembling a clever spymaster and allowing others to be the franchise’s public face. You help advance your franchise by discovering secrets, tracking important lore gained during the characters’ travels, and reporting on competitors’ goals and methods.   Essential Functions: Record names, dates, and vital information   Position Proficiency: In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to an ability check to analyze the operation of a franchise, assess historical records, or decipher codes.  

Ardante Rank I

Proficiencies and Starting Equipment As a rank 1 loremonger, you gain one of the following proficiencies of your choice: artisan’s tools (choose type), navigator’s tools, vehicles (land), or vehicles (water).   Head office also grants you the use of an appropriate tool kit if you chose a tool proficiency, as well as ink and an ink pen.   Whisper Jar Also at rank 1, you are the beneficiary of a whisper jar — a common magic item resembling an ether-filled jar with a long tap hose. The jar is used to record others’ stories and your own observations, like a verbal notebook with unlimited space. The whisper jar records as fast as a creature can speak into it, and whispers back words at the same pace they were recorded. Activating the playback of a particular recording is an action.  

Ardante Rank II

Need to Know At rank 2, your insight grants you preternatural knowledge of the creatures around you. As an action, select one humanoid you can see and make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a success, you learn the following information: the creature’s name, up to three aliases it has used within the past month, its primary profession, and its skill proficiencies. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. You can use this feature only once on any creature.   Whispered Encyclopedia At rank 2, your whisper jar becomes an uncommon magic item that can tap into the broader lore of Austerria. As a bonus action, you ask the jar for information on a specific subject and make a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check. On a success, the jar plays back a recording on that subject, made somewhere, sometime by another loremonger. This property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn.  

Ardante Rank III

Construction Permits Choose one room in your franchise headquarters that belongs to you alone. That room gains one cosmetic feature, and the headquarters as a whole gains one secret feature over and above those gained normally through franchise advancement. See “Headquarters Features” for more information.   Whispered Warnings Also at rank 3, your whisper jar gains additional power and becomes a rare magic item. As an action, you can cause the jar to function as a wand of enemy detection, whereupon it whispers the direction to foes within range. This property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn.  

Ardante Rank IV

Efficient Upgrades At rank 4, your knowledge of franchise lore and development yields further dividends. Your franchise headquarters gains one weapon feature and one cosmetic feature over and above those gained normally through franchise advancement. See “Headquarters Features” earlier in this chapter.   Whispered Arcana Also at rank 4, your whisper jar gains access to even more magic. By whispering the name of one of the following spells into the jar as an action, you can cast that spell from the jar: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect poison and disease, find traps, identify, or locate animals or plants. This property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn.   Why Be a Loremonger?   d8 Reason
  1. Your favorite thing to hear is, “I probably shouldn’t say anything, but did you know … ?”
  2. Your whisper jar is a better conversationalist than most people you’ve ever met.
  3. You can’t keep a secret for the life of you, and you need to tell someone this thing you know or it’s going to kill you!
  4. You never know when someone else’s words will come in handy.
  5. Peoples and cultures can never die as long as their stories are still told.
  6. You talked about a really cool idea once when you were drunk, and can’t remember a word of it now. That’ll never happen again.
  7. A person is only as good as their word, and you feel compelled to keep others honest.
  8. You can’t read or write, so this whole recording-and-playing-back-what-you-say-in-a-jar thing is a huge benefit.
Renowned Loremonger 


Gnome Loremonger (Druid)   Even without a whisper jar, Mabannok Kovri is an incomparable trove of lore. With the jar — that misty, transparent urn that all loremongers use as a tool of their station — they can scoot close to omniscience. “Mab” decants their whisper jar to share and protect any information vital to the franchise. But they have a particular sideline hobby of greedily trapping ribald dwarven poetry and recipes that “honor the noble turnip.”


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