Fugue Plane Geographic Location in Auxis | World Anvil
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Fugue Plane

The Fugue Plane is a neutral demiplane within the ethereal plane, where souls of mortals are drawn when they die. The vast majority of this plane was flat, grey, bland and nondescript, with no notable topographical features. The sky overhead was starry and black, as though looking into the Astral Sea. The plane's only significant feature was the City of Judgement, where Kelemvor and Liera reside. This space spans across neutral space, thus existing in both Mechanus, Limbo and the prime material plane at once.   Souls who were not lost or refused the bargains of the Baatezu entered the City of Judgement, where the faithful, faithless or false were granted their penance in the eternal dominion of the gods. Those faithless and false remained in the city, either becoming part of the ethereal plane or paying back their debts before they could rest.   The City of Judgement used to be the dominion of Kelemvor, Liera and Jergal in the Crystal Spire, before Jergal was betrayed and killed by the Dead Three, or the Keepers of Death. In his death, Myrkul claimed the title of the God of Death, tearing the Fugue in two and using the Crystal Spire as his Bone Castle. This created a neutral evil counterpart of the Fugue, where lost souls often find themselves.  

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The Afterlife
Generic article | Sep 12, 2020

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The Ethereal Plane  




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