The Crystal Sphere Geographic Location in Auxis | World Anvil
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The Crystal Sphere

The Crystal Sphere, or the prime material plane, is a gigantic spherical sphere that contained the entire planetary system Toril is located in - Torillian. Extremely powerful mages have confirmed the existence of such a sphere, and have described it as a being made of a dark ceramic-like material that had no gravity, and appeared to be impossible to be damaged by any normal or magical means. The system's primary star, Sol, is located in the centre of the sphere, with 8 planetary bodies orbiting it. Though this is the only confirmed crystal sphere in existence, it is theorised that other such crystals could potentially exist in far out reaches of the Astral Sea under similar conditions.   The crystal sphere was forged millions of years ago by the Primordial Mother as the home of Anum the all-father. Protected and surrounded by the elemental planes, which eventually collapsed into the elemental chaos, the material plane was the one home of life and consciousness in the universe. At the borders of the crystal shell, an Arcane flux held the sixteen homes Anum's children. After the fall and their banishing, these planes were cast out beyond the elemental chaos into the Astral sea, leaving behind only traces of their magic: the sixteen constellations. The Prime Material Plane is the physical realm at the centre of all other ethereal, elemental and astral realms. It is the most grounded region of all arcane magics, and is the only realm with no innate divine presence.   The eight planets of the Torillian were once ruled over by the Prime deities of the world. As such, much of the history and magics of old remain as historic monuments on these planets. Unlike Toril, major civilisation and geographic change has not disrupted this history, and as such the rest of the system contains fragments of time dating back millennia. After Anum laid to rest on Toril and let the forces of the universe blanket his creations to lead to something new during the years of the Awakening, its presence and history regarding the Kingdom of Ostoria became buried beneath the soil of the planet, to allow the mortals to walk the earth.  
Most creatures residing upon the other planets are those of mighty magical power, such as Titans, Dragons or Giants. Powerful mages during the first age have been said to have travelled to these outer worlds to reside and experiment on forbidden planets, though these are but rumours and tales in the highest echelons of magical society.

Torillian Worlds


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