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Hiina Mountian (Hin-na-Mount-an)

Also known as the Mountain of Blood, as the mountain is a place of honorable duels, ancestors have decided the what true honor is through the way of the body and the sword. If someone kills a lot they are dishonorable and unworthy of being known as great, as you only kill if that being has killed innocents for fun. So this mountain is a test of your blood and views, if you belive that killing innocents is fun then you will be challenged to climb the mountain and meet your challenger atop it and duel them at The Great Temple of Blood. If you win when dishonorable you will no doubt be feared, but if you lose when being that way, your opponent will either slice you head off and tie it to their travelling pouch to show that dishonorably is worth dealth. The winners of the duels keep the head as a trophy. If your wondering how monks slice off heads with only using their fists, i will explain, monks in this country have their own way of using their body as weapons, they break their bones and use their hair and their body as weapons by breaking bones and more to form weapons to fight. Also known as pointy hats Way of The Flesh-
Mountain / Hill


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