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Madam Dealth (Madam- Dealth)

Madam Dealth, the darker reflection of the great Madam Osania of the material plane. Madam Dealth is known and feared in the wastes of the Shadowfell for the blood run, the simple event that made the Izar Empire fall into full unending controll of the world. She has always been apart of Zambets master plan to take over the material plane, which she will be the one of many genrals in Zambets great army.  
What Was The Blood Run?
As the world is a dark refection of the material plane the timeline was the same except for no Yde and always being the Izar Empire being ruled by Zambet as an illusion(Zambet's illusion's name is Donald Izar). He formed the empire by spouting hate on other through propaganda, which simply worked as he forced his econmy to purposly fail, and as its the shadowfell and dead souls fill the stony grounds here Zambet showed his true self and used the bekoning dealth he gave to Hugo to form an army of unwilling servants, which crushed other civiliations and let the brutal wilds take hold everywhere else but the great Izar empire. Thousands still lived in this desoulate slate but where still hunted, but yet the most mentally strong pulled through and survived. Madam Dealth had the same past as the real Madam Osania but did not have her intenitions, she only wanted to please zambet, for true power, and she "formed" a revoltion in Thenaho of poor and weak(in her and zambets eyes) people. These people included, all homeless mind you, queer people, non humans, and a lot of other miniroties. When the people of this fake revolution(they thought it was real becouse she lied so well) relized that the king could be able to be taken hostage if the revultion could take over the capatial of the Izar Empire the Madam showed her true intentions, as she slaughtered almost everyone in the revolution and ingested thier souls for the power she always desired (1000 peopel's souls), and with the surviors that survovied she didnt know where they would hide, so with her showing her true colors and her new power she used all 1000 souls to conjure up some of the void at the end of the world in the shawdowfell to create the latgest tidal wave of pure black blood, she forced the tidal wave onto the only place any person could ever hide from the empire and destroyed the world largest moantian by the wave slicing it at 3/4 to the way of the top causing the bellowing highland to destroy the sourding contients as the wave finally fled in making the ocean of black blood known today as Blood Run.


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