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Shadowfell (Shadow-fell)

The shadowfell is the material plane but every bad decision that could ever have been made has been made. The plane is also known for it having no other color but black and white. The other planes where created when the trees brances created each universe and plane with the sword of duality. The enengy of the sword being created formed everything becouse it was formed on the branch of the tree of life in each universe. The reason the shawdowfell is so dark is that when the energy created the plane the fewild had already been created of the buety of the blade, so when the plane finally materialized the plane was just black and white, and the amount of energy of the creation formed Zambet, who is true evil personified, the darkness of the blade of duality, the void of hurt, thats why Zambet is the god of dragons, he's the most sadistic and powerfull dragon other than Tiamat, who lives on the largest plate of the nine layers of hell, they both hate eachother as they both seek to take the material plane for ther own reasons.
Dimensional plane


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