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This section is about the original homestead of the akati. For the new capital of the akatian empire see Agartha Nova.   No one is entirely sure where in the world Agartha lay once upon time. The continents have shifted since then, rocked by time and natural disasters. Some speculate the original Agartha wasn't even on this world. And they would be both right and wrong.   The Illevian and Akati Empires were the prime powers and influences of another universe. Close to this one, but separated by the ethereal plane. When their war tore their world apart, refugees slipped through rifts and ended up in a world much like their own but slightly off. Illevians came through mainly around Khorun and Sangora, while akati found themselves in Oliria.       Located on a nexus point of the leylines that wrap around the world, and close to a rift into the Feywild.   Homes no longer standing. Cities no longer living. The air becoming too toxic for their lungs to handle for a longer period       When people speak of the old Agartha they speak of a city and a world. The homeworld, the cradle of the Akati and the Illevian races. Where it all began and where it all went to hell.   Where creativity flowed through the thoughts of the naive and idealistic.   Where corruption sowed its black seeds in the hearts of those who saw profit and power unmatched.   Now the old Agartha is overgrown ruins


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