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Athys, the deceiver, is one of the Fallen deities exiled after the Primordial War. Her symbol is that of a silver-tipped dagger covered in thorns. She is the goddess of immorality, deception, shadows, and shrouds.  

Physical Appearance

Athys appears as a beautiful yet cunning woman with piercing green eyes and long, flowing hair. She wears elegant gowns and intricate jewelry, often adorned with precious stones. Her smile is captivating, yet full of deceit and malicious intent. She can change her shape at will, often adding a layer of flames to surround her.  


Athys is cunning, manipulative, and ruthless. She delights in the suffering of others and revels in chaos and discord. She is highly intelligent and often uses her charm and charisma to deceive and betray those around her. Athys is a master of deception and manipulation. She can create illusions and false memories, making people see and believe things that aren't real. She can also alter her appearance and speak in the voices of others, allowing her to impersonate anyone she chooses.  


Athys' history is shrouded in mystery, as she prefers to keep her past hidden from all but her most loyal followers. It is known that she has been worshiped for centuries, her influence spreading like a dark plague across the lands. Athys is said to have been born from the shadows of the world, a being of darkness and deceit. When she grew disillusioned of Ignis and his friends, she hid away amongst the mortals. She found shelter in a cult of assassins, who taught her the arts of deception and betrayal. As she grew in power, she plotted against her own kin. She was instrumental in the Primordial War, betraying and killing her fellow deities to seize control of the organization. She was thwarted and exiled to a demiplane. But her deeds were done. From this moment on, her influence spread throughout the lands, corrupting the hearts of many and turning them against their own allies.  


Athys' worshipers are often those who seek power through deceit and treachery. They are typically incredibly charismatic individuals who value cunning and guile over brute strength. Many of her followers are thieves, master manipulators, assassins, and spies. Athys' worshipers gather in secret, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. They perform dark, twisted rituals, offering blood sacrifices and praying for Athys' blessings in their schemes of deceit and betrayal. Those who gain her favor often gain a reputation for knowing layers of deception and betrayal no one could even imagine.

Divine Domains

Athys' realm is a twisted, dark mirror of the world, filled with shadows and secrets. It is said that those who venture into her realm are never seen again, their souls forever lost in the darkness. Her portfolio include betrayal, deception, secrets, and mistrust. Her domain is mainly deception.


Athys is said to possess several powerful artifacts, including a ring that allows her to alter her appearance and speak in the voices of others, and a dagger that can steal the souls of its victims, allowing her to control them as her puppets.
Divine Classification
Chaotic evil
Aligned Organization


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