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Eraikai, God of Revelry and Procreation. His domains are Life and Light and he is the embodiment of joy, impulsiveness, and enjoyment.  

Physical Appearance

Eraikai is a tall, slender figure with long, curly, flowing hair that changes color depending on the mood of the celebration. His eyes are a piercing shade of blue, and his skin is pale and smooth. He wears elegant, flowing garments that shimmer with the colors of the rainbow, and his hands are adorned with intricate, gem rings.  


Eraikai is worshiped by those who enjoy the finer things in life, such as music, dance, and feasting. His followers come from all walks of life, and they gather to celebrate and enjoy life's pleasures. He is also worshiped by those who dive a little too deep into the finer things in life, leading lives of addiction and pleasure-hunting. He is the patron of brothels and taverns.  


Eraikai is a charismatic and charming deity, who loves nothing more than to see people enjoying themselves. He is kind-hearted and generous, and he always tries to bring people together in celebration. He can be somewhat dismissive in favor of a good time, and doesn't always see the urgency and danger in front of him.  


Eraikai was born from the laughter of the gods, and he quickly became known as the god of revelry. He is said to have taught the first bards how to play music, and he is often seen dancing and feasting with his worshipers.  


Eraikai is on good terms with most other deities, as he believes that the world would be a much better place if people spent more time celebrating and less time fighting. However, he does have a somewhat strained relationship with Ignis, the god of wisdom and creation, who disapproves of Eraikai's hedonistic ways.  


Eraikai has the power to inspire joy and celebration in those around him, and he can also create music and dance with a mere thought. He is also able to bestow blessings of good fortune and happiness on his worshipers.  


Eraikai's realm is a vast and beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers, lush greenery, and sparkling fountains called Heartvale, the Sacred Fields. It is a place of endless celebration and joy, where people can dance, feast, and make merry to their hearts' content.  


Eraikai has been worshiped since the dawn of time, and he is said to have played a crucial role in the creation of the world's first musical instruments. He is also credited with teaching the first bards how to play music, and he is often seen dancing and feasting with his worshipers.  


Eraikai's worshipers are known for their love of music, dance, and feasting. They gather in large, elaborate celebrations, where they drink, dance, and make merry until the early hours of the morning. These celebrations are often held in Eraikai's honor, and they are a time for people to forget their troubles and enjoy life's pleasures.

Divine Domains

Eraikai's domains are Trickery, Life, and Light and he is the god of Revelry, celebration, feasts, and procreation.


Eraikai is said to possess several powerful artifacts, including a golden lyre that can summon forth music and dance, and a magical chalice that can never be emptied. These artifacts are highly sought after by adventurers and treasure hunters, and they are said to be guarded by powerful creatures that protect Eraikai's realm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eraikai's symbol is a golden chalice overflowing with wine, surrounded by a wreath of colorful flowers.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization


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