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God of Creation, Knowledge and Wisdom. Father of Pala.  

Physical Appearance

Ignis is a towering figure and intimidating. His body gives off a warm, comforting glow that can blind those who are unworthy. His face is stern and wise, with piercing eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of the ages.  


Ignis is worshiped by those who seek to create, learn, and grow. His followers are often artists, scholars, and artisans. They believe that through hard work and dedication, they can shape the world around them and leave a lasting legacy. He is a primary deity for the akati, one of the tribes being named after him.  


Ignis is a patient and wise deity, who is always willing to listen and offer guidance. He believes that knowledge and wisdom are the keys to a better world, and he encourages his followers to seek out new ideas and experiences.  


Ignis is said to have been born from the primordial fires of creation. He was the first deity to shape the raw materials of the world, creating the land, sea, and sky. More importantly, he was the one to destroy the forests of the Titans. He passed on his knowledge to the other gods, such as Ancev and Loundil, teaching them how to create and shape the world around them.  


He is particularly close with the deities of magic and artistry, as they share his passion for creation and beauty. And he is very fond and protective of his daughter Pala. However, he has little tolerance for those who seek to hoard knowledge or suppress the spread of information, and he is often at odds with deities who value power and control over wisdom and understanding.  


Ignis has the power to shape and mold raw materials, creating anything from a simple tool to a grand city. He can also grant his followers the ability to see the hidden patterns and connections in the world around them, giving them a deeper understanding of the universe.  


Ignis' realm is a vast library filled with books, scrolls, and other forms of knowledge. The walls are lined with shelves that stretch up into the clouds, and the air is filled with the scent of parchment and ink.

Divine Domains

Creation. Wisdom. Knowledge.


Among the many artifacts associated with Ignis, the most famous is the Flaming Sword of Creation. This ancient weapon was said to have been forged by Ignis himself, and it is said to hold the power to shape and mold the world around it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ignis' symbol is a flaming sun. There are other symbols that represent Ignis too; a torch surrounded by stars, an interlocking sun and moon etc.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization


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