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Loundil, the Protector of Zion, is the god of thunder and earth.  

Physical Appearance

Loundil appears as a massive, muscular humanoid with a deep bronze skin. His eyes are a piercing electric blue, and his hair is a cascade of white. He wears intricate golden armor adorned with precious stones, and he carries a massive warhammer made of solid gold.  


Loundil is worshiped by miners, geologists, and those who rely on the earth's resources for their livelihood. His followers are often hardworking and honest, valuing the strength and stability that the earth provides. He is the patron protector of Zion and the main god of dwarven kind.  


Loundil is a stoic and patient deity, valuing the slow and steady progress of mining and geological research. He is also a fierce protector of those who work the earth, and he is quick to anger when his followers are threatened.  


Loundil was born from the heart of the earth itself, a manifestation of the raw power and potential hidden within the planet's core. He is said to have forged the first tools and weapons from the earth's minerals, teaching early civilizations the art of mining and metalworking.  


Loundil's divine abilities include the power to summon thunderstorms, create earthquakes, and manipulate minerals and earth-related materials. He can also grant his followers the ability to withstand the harshest mining conditions and to detect valuable minerals hidden within the earth. He is closely connected to the power of the world's atmosphere.  


Loundil's divine realm is a massive cavern deep within the earth's crust, filled with glittering minerals and precious stones. The cavern is illuminated by the constant flickering of electric blue lightning bolts, and the air is filled with the rumble of distant thunder.   


Loundil has been worshiped since the earliest days of dwarven civilization, as people have always relied on the earth's resources for their survival. He is often invoked by miners and geologists seeking his blessings and protection, and his worship has spread throughout the world as people have discovered new and valuable minerals hidden within the earth's crust.   


Loundil's worshipers often gather temples built deep within mines or caverns, where they can feel the power of the earth beneath their feet. They offer prayers and sacrifices to Loundil, asking for his blessings and protection as they delve deeper into the earth in search of valuable minerals.

Divine Domains

Loundil's domain is thunder and earth. He is also associated with minerals, earthquakes, geology and mining.


Loundil's divine artifacts include the Hammer of Thunder, a massive golden warhammer that can summon thunderstorms and create earthquakes, and the Ring of Geomancy, a ring made from a rare and valuable mineral that grants its wearer the ability to detect valuable minerals hidden within the earth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Loundil's symbol is a golden warhammer with a gemstone set in the center, surrounded by a circle of lightning bolts.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization


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