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The Noma is a humanoid species that has adapted to the harsh environment of the arctic tundras from whence they come. They are known for their insightfulness, artistry, and unique clothing design. While uncommon, Noma are known to have wandered to and settled in both Khorun and Ala. Even involving themselves with the local conflicts as hired hands.  


The first thing you will notice about a Noma is that fur covers all of the body. The color is usually pale white to grey and thick, but there are cases of brown. It has three insulating layers to keep the Noma from freezing to death during the long, dark winters. They often have an angular face, a small nose, angular, serene eyes, thin lips, and large ears. They are durable and resistant to piercing damage, as well as cold, thunder and lightning damage.  

Culture & Society

The Noma are a highly intellectual tribal species, their society only loosely connected through genetics. Hunter-gatherers by nature, they are a nomadic people who never stay in one place too long. They follow the herds of reindeer that they care for and they do not observe other countries territories or borders, which over the years has led to many scuffles and conflicts.   Artistry, spirituality, and nature are valued highly in their culture and they tend to keep their traditions closely to themselves. Therefore a Noma-made craft can sell for hundreds, if not thousands, of gold on the open markets of Avaleen.   Though they have the capabilities of creating the technology more common in permanent societies, they do not care for it, preferring the simple lifestyle of the open air and road. When it comes to magic, there is only a handful who have inherited the arcane traits and they usually become druids, shamans and spiritual leaders communing with the spirits of the land.
75 years
Average Height
Males measure at average 6'6'' whereas females usually average 6'10''
Average Weight
Males average 119 lbs, females average 231 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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