André Calixis Character in Avaløn | World Anvil
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André Calixis

Barontyne's Right Hand Man

André Calixis is a human sorcerer in his early thirties, armed with an intense gaze that exudes confidence and power. A descendant of the richest Draconic bloodlines, he possesses a natural affinity for fire magic and has honed his pyromancy to utmost perfection. His control over flames is so great infact that a natural heat seems to shadow him wherever he goes. André's loyalty lies with Emperor Barontyne, whom he serves as his right-hand man. Thus he commands a vast portion of the Imperial Army and is feared and respected by all who serve under him. Well, almost all. If it wasn't for his unfortunate speech impediment that makes his authority somewhat laughable, his reputation may be as formidable as that of Barontyne himself. Regardless, it's often said that he's a brilliant tactician, always a step ahead of his enemies, and a fierce warrior who's constantly fighting from the front-lines.   Calixis is not a man to be trifled with, for there's a ruthless side to him that makes him dangerous to cross. If anyone stands in his way or threatens the Emperor's rule, he will not hesitate to make them spontaneously combust with a flick of his wrist. Though despite his fearsome reputation, André also has a suave, charismatic side that he reserves for those he deems worthy of his attention. A ladies' man at heart, he has been known to turn heads with his devilish good looks and his smooth, confident demeanor. But beneath his glowing exterior lies a heart of ice that too many have met their end to.
"For what it's worth, the world deserves to burn"
André Calixis, 527 AXR
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