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History of Avaløn

A complete collection of the main events in Avaløn's history

Before the Xandrian Revolution

Unknown > 0 BXR

Years before the Wars of Xandria commenced

  • >300,000 BXR
    The beginning
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The creation of Avaløn. It is unknown how old the plane is exactly. However, many historians speculate that Avaløn is at least 300,000 years old.

  • c.300,000 BXR
    First life on Avaløn
    Life, Birth

    It is also believed that around 300,000 years ago, the first prehistoric signs of life on Avaløn came into existence

  • c.170,000 BXR
    Evolution of complex life forms
    Life, Milestone

    Complex lifeforms such as humanoids, beasts and fey creatures are thought to derive from the continent of Ɏntefæhrne at this point in time

  • c.40,000 BXR
    Advances in Technology
    Technological achievement

    Humanoids begin to craft swords and axes to fend off predators and hunt them for food

  • c.15,000 BXR
    Early Civilisation
    Construction beginning/end

    It is thought that humanoids began to build civilisations such as towns and cities around this time. Avaløn's oldest city that's still standing is Gyh'höra, believed to be built around 9,000 BXR!

  • c.11,000 BXR
    First recorded pieces of History
    Artistic creation

    Parchment and inks are beginning to be used to document history. Some old texts can be traced to 11,000 years ago!

  • c.10,700 BXR
    Induction of Currency
    Life, Wealth

    Although trading and bartering had been around much longer, physical stores of wealth weren't invented until the 11th Millennium BXR. Economies began to grow around currencies such as Ælin and Lyrne

  • c.10,500 BXR
    Formation of territories

    Many early empires and kingdoms begin to form, such as the Qn'sçen Empire and the Hlèrican Union

  • c.9800 BXR
    Discovery of Torrenheim
    Discovery, Exploration

    After water vessels began to be invented, many began to search for new land. Around 9800 BXR, a fleet of Dwarves left Ɏntefæhrne and discovered a much larger, colder continent, which they named Torrenheim. There are rumours of the name deriving from the Captain of the fleet - a man only known as Tḥörnheimn

  • c.9600 BXR
    Creation of Vietszcism
    Religious event

    The birthplace of Vietszcism - the oldest religion in Avaløn - is Torrenheim, the dwarven new world. Shortly after their arrival on the continent, dwarvish culture became richly inspired by Torrenheim's icy peaks, so much so that it inspired an entire religion!

  • 9546 BXR > 9519 BXR
    The Ryvaulx-Qn'sçen Wars

    The earliest recorded conflict in history - a series of wars fought by Avaløn's largest powers at the time: the Ryvaulx Kingdom and the Qn'sçen Empire. After 27 years of fighting, the Kingdom was victorious, leaving the empire to crumble.

  • 3rd Σlṿamís 9519 BXR
    The Fall of the Qn'sçen Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the Siege of Fort Daorne'al, the Qn'sçen Empire finally fell after a 27 year long war and thousands of years of history. Some structures such as the A'ashì Temple are still partially standing to this day and are very popular tourist spots.

  • c.8720 BXR
    Discovery of Alcyrne
    Discovery, Exploration

    Around 8720 BXR, another continent was discovered: Alcyrne, a landscape of golden hills, new horizons and fertile soil. Alcyrne is the smallest of all 4 continents.

  • Dä'enmís 8480 BXR
    First recorded Tri-Lunar Celestia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Tri-Lunar Celestia is a paranormal event in which Avaløn's three moons (Àcra, Xenvǐa and Ixaris) can all be seen as full moons simultaneously. The event occurs approximately once every 500 years.

  • c.7700 BXR
    Creation of Ģwynity
    Religious event

    Around the turn of the 77th Century, the second religion, Ģwynity, was created by an ancient race similar to Elves known as the Au'ori. Ģwynity became the first religion to prophecise about other planes of existence.

  • 7116 BXR > 7098 BXR
    The Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    A series of 18 arid Sòlms coupled with little to no rainfall meant the end of almost a fifth of Avaløn's population. Due to increased temperature, diseases also spread like wildfire; helping to contribute to the already ridiculous death toll.

  • 22nd Øctřamís 6878 BXR > 24th Sṽenɀamís 6876 BXR
    The Hnthnian Genocide

    The result of rising racial tensions between dwarves and elves in Torrenheim, 19 million elves were executed under the command of the dwarven King of Vìgahelm, Hnthnia. Almost all elves fleed Torrenheim and even to this day, Torrenheim's elven population is sparsely populated.

  • 11th Xǐàmís 6541 BXR
    Discovery of Σu'ryxia
    Discovery, Exploration

    Despite being Avaløn's youngest continent, Σu'ryxia's reputation precedes it. Home to countless heroes, Σu'ryxia is a land of emerald hills, colossal peaks and vast deserts - making it the most sought after continent to live in. Σu'ryxia was discovered on 11th Xǐàmís 6541 BXR by famed Half-Elf explorer Romac Alixiron. Both date and pioneer are celebrated annually on Σu'ryxia's birthday.

  • 5999 BXR > 5619 BXR
    The Eternal Frost
    Plague / Epidemic

    The largest natural disaster in history, the Eternal Frost was a result of Avaløn's tilt being knocked off balance, causing temperatures to drastically decline and the plane to be frozen over. Most crops died out, resulting in continent-wide famines. Half of Avaløn's population died of either frostbite, starvation or war - whichever got to them first. People began to experiment with new crops, slowly adapting to their environment. It took almost 400 years for the plane to correct itself - by that time people found it difficult to adjust back to what was once normality.

  • 5976 BXR > 5972 BXR
    The First Permafrost War

    During the time of the Eternal Frost, resources became incredibly scarce, leaving races and civilisations to turn on one another to survive. The First Permafrost War consisted of kingdoms burning each other to the ground in a long futile effort to feed their citizens and keep their territories afloat. Eventually the war subsided after the surrender of smaller kingdoms and discovery of new crops that could survive the Eternal Frost

  • 5782 BXR > 5776 BXR
    The Darkest Days
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Just over 200 years into the Eternal Frost, with Avaløn still off its usual axis, a supernatural event occured in which another plane passed directly above it - cutting out all light from the sun. Avalǿn's already cold temperatures dropped even colder - to the point where the plane was permanently below -30°C and could even reach -200°C in certain places of Torrenheim. Any crops that used to be able to survive the Eternal Frost now couldn't, launching Avaløn into its darkest days.

  • 5780 BXR > 5775 BXR
    The Second Permafrost War
    Disaster / Destruction

    With darker days ahead of them, Avaløn's citizens tried to ration their last harvest so they could survive the extreme cold. However, these rations barely lasted two years. Left with no harvest and dead wildlife, humanoid races began to eat each other to survive. Dwarven kingdoms were the largest targets, resulting in a mass genocide of the dwarven race. It wasn't until after the planar anomaly had subsided that people began to fully grasp what they had done. The Second Permafrost War is a period of time that Avaløn wants to forget.

  • 5619 BXR > c.5000 BXR
    Repopulation of Avaløn
    Life, Birth

    After the Eternal Frost and the Permafrost Wars had subsided, Avaløn spent the next 500 years repopulating its civilisations. However, the new population didn't grow as high as it used to be until the 2nd Millennium BXR.

  • c.4750 BXR > 3900 BXR
    The Golden Age
    Cultural event

    The Golden Age was a time period in which there were minimal battles and conflicts. Civilisations were growing, cultures were blossoming and technology was swiftly advancing.

  • c.3610 BXR
    Creation of Mesilism
    Religious event

    Mesilism, first founded in Ɏntefæhrne, is the belief that Avaløn was made and controlled under one Supreme God: Neryn. Many Mesilists believe that in order to make it into the afterlife, they have to play their part in helping establish world order to fulfill Neryn's vision of Avaløn. Mesilists strictly oppose chaos and territorial divides, instead believing that the world should be united as one.

  • 3588 BXR
    Creation of Estrialism
    Religious event

    Estrialism derives from Alcyrne and was created around the same time as Mesilism by an Elven colony. Despite their similarities on the timeline, Estrialism is the exact opposite of Mesilism, being the belief of freedom. Estrialists believe that there are many Gods that helped create Avaløn (such as Sekura and Editei) and that the world can strive with more than one leader.

  • 3228 BXR > 3223 BXR
    The Intercontinental Wars
    Military action

    Nearing the end of the 33rd Century BXR, tensions began to rise between Σu'ryxia and Alcyrne due to their shared border along the Badlands. Each continent wanted the desert for themselves and so war was declared. Due to the extreme heat of the desert, battles were mainly fought using fleets along the Alta-Nova Sea. The Wars ended with the negotiation of peace terms and each continent getting to claim half of the desert for themselves.

  • 2386 BXR > 2314 BXR
    Mass Migration to Σu'ryxia
    Population Migration / Travel

    The 24th Century BXR marked a large surge in migrations to the continent of Σu'ryxia, due to improved methods of ocean transportation and new opportunities to be seized in Avaløn's favourite continent.

  • c.1870 BXR > 1250 BXR
    Population Boom
    Life, Birth

    The Second Millennium BXR saw for a rapid population boom in Avaløn, specifically Σu'ryxia, almost doubling its population. The world population finally surpasses what it was before the Eternal Frost

  • 1103 BXR > 1086 BXR
    Age of Storms
    Geological / environmental event

    A period of time filled with unusually violent lightning storms, winds and hurricanes. Estrialists believe that this was caused by a war between the Gods, wherein Rasdivis, the God of Lies, betrayed the rest of the Pantheon and was banished to the Underdark.

  • 150 BXR > 6 BXR
    Excavation of the Underdark
    Discovery, Scientific

    Nestled in the higher levels of Byrexior, precious materials and substances such as Dark Amethyst are located, each with magical properties never seen before.

  • 7 BXR > 1 BXR
    The Rebellions of Level 8

    As humanoids delved further and higher into Underblood territory, such as Level 7 and Level 8, they started to be met with resistance from the dark races such as Illithids, Drow and Duergar. Overblood interference and greed begins to spark battles between the races.

  • 1 BXR
    Avaløn prepares for War
    Military action

    Enraged by the retaliation of the Underblood races, Avaløn begins to prepare for war. Armies are formed and the strongest leader from every continent is chosen to lead Avaløn into its first interdimensional conflict.

  • 0 BXR
    Failure to agree on peace terms
    Military action

    The Knights of the Four Corners try to negotiate with the Ulitharid leader Lord Xandria. However, no terms can be reached. War is imminent.

The Lost Years

0 BXR > 0 AXR

The 7 years during the Wars of Xandria

  • 1st Vøxamís 1 LY > 34th Σlṿamís 7 LY
    The Wars of Xandria

    The single largest event in the entirety of Avaløn's existence. Two realms clash to fight for utter domination. Billions lay down their lives in a bloody effort to save their world; but only one can prevail.

  • 34th Σlṿamís 7 LY
    The Battle of Holga Hill

    The epic conclusion to the Wars of Xandria took place at Holga Hill under a Tri-Lunar Celestia. Following a drawn-out standoff between both sides, the Underbloods began a charge towards the Overbloods, leaving them to defend the hill. Each army had upwards of 100,000 men, leaving the land around the battle ravaged for decades to come. Xandria finally fell under Avaløn's Knights, forcing the Underblood armies to retreat back to the Underdark. Victory bells rung all over the plane, announcing that the war was over. Avaløn had won.

After the Xandrian Revolution

1 AXR > Modern Day

Years after the wars of Xandria ended

  • 1 AXR
    Sealing the Underdark
    Political event

    After the Wars of Xandria had concluded, it was in Avaløn's best efforts to prevent a war of that scale from ever happening again. Immediately, millions began travelling to gateways between the realms to close them up forever with ancient magic. Some still fear that gateways remain.

  • 1 AXR > Modern Day
    Restoration of Civilisation
    Construction beginning/end

    After the Wars of Xandria, much of humanity had to be rebuilt and 500 years later, it's still being rebuilt to this day.

  • 144 AXR
    Discovery of Arcstone
    Discovery, Scientific

    Arcstone is discovered on Elgen Isle, off the coast of Σu'ryxia. It immediately becomes extremely popular as a substitute for Dark Amethyst and is used to fuel new inventions such as flying machines and automatons.

  • c.230 AXR > 250 AXR
    Changes in Religion
    Religious event

    As Vietszcism and Ģwynity fall out of fashion in Post-Xandrian Avaløn, newer religions such as Mesilism and Estrialism begin to take a foothold as the main sets of beliefs. Throughout the next 20 years, both religions would experience a boom in worshippers and become particularly prevalent in Σu'ryxia.

  • 22nd Øctřamís 268 AXR
    Eruption of Fury's Summit
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the morning of the 22nd of Øctřamís, Fury's Summit, the largest volcano on Avaløn finally erupted after over 3000 years of being dormant. During its eruption, it killed everybody on the Isle of Ashes and destroyed cities such as Cindervale. Everybody who died is now remembered every year during the Fury's Summit memorial.

  • 17th Tětramís 518 AXR > Modern Day
    The Σu'ryxian Civil War
    Military action

    After tensions between the Everen Empire and the Estrialist Rebellion began to rise, Emperor Barontyne finally declared war on King Cydranon, Eld'rinoth and all other Estrialist inhabited territories in Σu'ryxia - resulting in a mad scramble between two leaders, two religions and two domains for continental control.

  • 526 AXR > Modern Day
    The Great Fading

    Over the last few years, the population of Σu'ryxia has begun to fall. There have been strange occurrences recently with the random disappearance of Avalønians. These disappearances can range from singular people to entire villages. Missing persons are referred to as 'The Faded'. The cause is unknown.

  • Modern Day
    Modern Day

    Today's Avaløn. Despite facing droughts, plagues and countless battles, our world has fought through them all to this day. For the moment, time stands still - waiting for Avaløn's new heroes to win one final war.