Centaur Species in Avalonia | World Anvil


Roamers at heart, centaurs love open spaces and the freedom to travel. As much as they can, centaurs run. They race the wind, hooves thundering and tails streaming behind them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Centaurs have humanoid upper bodies, displaying all the human variety of skin tones and features. In size, they are comparable to a human rider mounted on a horse, and they fill similar roles—as cavalry, messengers, outriders, and scouts.   Centaurs’ ears are slightly pointed, but their faces are more wide and square than those of elves. Below the waist, they have the bodies of horses, with coats tending toward brown shades (chestnut or bay) and darker tails.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Centaurs have a strong sense of the interconnectedness of the natural world, and they celebrate family and community as microcosms of that greater connection. The birth of a foal is always cause for festivities. At the same time, centaurs revere the traditions of the past, preserving old ways and keeping alive the legends of ancestral heroes. They feel a close kinship with wild animals, perhaps because of their own hybrid nature, and delight in the feeling of running alongside herds and packs of beasts.
Average Height
Average Weight
2100 lbs.
Average Length
80 years


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