Goblin Species in Avalonia | World Anvil


Goblins are a race of small and numerous goblinoids common throughout Avalonia, often living in underground caverns near the surface known as lairs. The race is often dominated by other goblinoids, most commonly hobgoblins. Goblins may have, in fact, been initially created by this related race to serve as scouts and infiltrators.   Like other goblinoids, goblins often have a short temper and are more easily provoked than individuals of most other races. They often find it difficult to overcome their short fuse, and have a sense of greed that made it difficult for them to act altruistically. They also generally take sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge once crossed.   Young goblins are taught, from an early age, to rely only on themselves and to survive, they need to be aggressive and ruthless. Despite their generally poor reputation, not all goblins are dim-witted or evil. Some goblins have risen to become heroes, gaining enough renown to be accepted into the civilized world serving good rather than to serve evil.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Goblins have flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. Their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color range from shades of yellow to orange to a deep red or shades of green. All members of the same tribe normally share the same skin color. Goblins typically dress in dark leathers soiled by poor hygiene and colored in a similar range of tones to their skin.
40 to 60 years
Average Height
3' to 4'
Average Weight
40 lbs. to 60 lbs.


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