Hobgoblin Species in Avalonia | World Anvil


Hobgoblins are larger, stronger, smarter, and more menacing forms of goblinoids than goblins, but not as powerful as bugbears. By and large, hobgoblins, like their kin, are considered to be evil creatures and often meet this expectation.    While goblinoid society is typically cruel and harsh, some individuals escape it to carry on lives of virtue. The few who take this risk and succeed often meet cautious praise and acceptance from outsiders. Those that manage to escape goblinoid society, however, are continuously plagued by their goblinoid nature. although hobgoblins are not necessarily evil, they are prone to violence and hot tempers, and often find it difficult to be truly altruistic.   When provoked, which is not a hard task, hobgoblins are vindictive creatures who take glee in causing pain to those that injure or insult them. These hobgoblins who overcome this natural reaction often manage because of the rewards they find in serving good rather than evil.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Hobgoblins resemble large, muscled humans, their bodies covered in coarse fur with red-brown or gray skin and red or orange faces. Large males have blue or red noses, and may have beards and male-pattern baldness. Hobgoblin eyes are dark brown or yellowish, and their teeth tend to be yellow. They are lean and tall with their muscles designed more for agility than brute strength, often described as having almost feline-like dexterity.
90 years
Average Height
5' to 6'
Average Weight
150 lbs. to 200 lbs.


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