Kender Species in Avalonia | World Anvil


Kenders are small humanoids who inhabited the world of Avalonia and are most known for their curiosity, fearlessness, and ability to always find trouble. They are considered by some sages to be a convergent evolution of halflings and are generally accepted as cousins to the halfling race.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Most kender are similar in appearance to muscled human children. Adult males are typically slightly bigger than the females. They have fair skin, which quickly tans under the sun, turning dark brown. Unlike halflings, kender have a more elven appearance with distinctly pointed ears.    Kender usually have sandy blonde, light brown, dark brown, copper-red, red-orange hair. They keep it long, often braided in a variety of styles or simply worn in ponytails. These small humanoids often decorate their long hair by weaving colorful ribbons, feathers, beads, flowers, and other fancyl things. The most common eye colors are pale blue, olive, light brown, and hazel.   Kender usually have high-pitched voices that turn shrill when exercising their impressive ability to taunt or anger others. Their piping voices allows them easily imitate bird and mammal calls. Their voices both pitch higher and dramatically speeds up when they are excited.
120 years
Average Height
3' to 4'
Average Weight
75 lbs. to 100 lbs.


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