Orc Species in Avalonia | World Anvil


Orcs are a race of humanoids that have been a threat to the civilized cultures of Avalonia, for as long as any can remember. Orcs have poor temperaments and are given to anger more easily than other races. Easily offended and impatient, orcs generally prefer violent solutions and rarely consider other ways of resolving a problem. In spite of this orcs are excellent at getting results, since they are creatures of action, not thought. Some exceptions do exist, however whose deeds are accomplished through planning and insight.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Orcs vary in appearance, based on region and sub-race, but all share certain physical qualities. Orcs usually have grayish skin, coarse hair, stooped postures, low foreheads, large muscular bodies, and porcine faces that feature lower canines that resemble boar tusks. Many also have wolf-like ears that are pointed on the ends, similar to elves. Orcs are roughly the same size as humans and other similar humanoids, though usually more robust and muscular.
50 years
Average Height
5' 6" to 7'
Average Weight
230 lbs. to 280 lbs.


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