Avandra Character in Avalor | World Anvil
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The Changebringer

Also known as "She Who Makes the Path," Avandra champions freedom, travel, trade, and adventure across the lands. Her will heralds open frontiers, and her call beckons her followers to discover that which awaits them beyond the known. There are few urban temples dedicated to the Changebringer, but her shrines are often found along well-traveled roads and off the beaten path. Her worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, and tavern cheers celebrate her as a bringer of luck and fortune.   Avandra calls no domain in the planes her residence, instead eternally wandering through the Outer Planes where serenity can be found, distantly watching over the potential of mortals.   Depiction. The Changebringer is often depicted as a young woman of light complexion and long, red hair that cascades to form the road left behind her. Most art shows her in constant motion, ever leading into the unknown.   Holy Day. Avandra's holy day, called New Dawn, takes place on the first day of the first month, when the old year gives way to the new. People celebrate by having a feast outside at dusk to watch the sunset. They feast and discuss their hopes for the new year until the sun rises.

Tenets of Faith

  • Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands, and Avandra smiles upon you.
  • Strike back at those who would rob you of your freedom and urge others to fight for their own liberty.
  • Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that change is for the better.

Divine Classification
Nature, Trickery, Twilight
Chaotic Good


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