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Seeker's Consortium

The majority of the Prime Deities of Avalor are worshipped openly and widely in major civilizations. This is not the case, however, for Ioun, the Knowing Mentor. Crippled during the Calamity, Ioun went into self-exile and became largely forgotten as her public worship dwindled. The closest thing Ioun has to a religious order are small cabals of wizards and scholars, fascinated by her enlightening scriptures and her calling of truth and knowledge. Among these groups is Aberran’s Seeker’s Consortium. The Seeker’s Consortium is a collection of research and historical institutions interested in recording, preserving, and sharing knowledge on arcane phenomena across Avalor. Less of a centralized organization and more of a network of archives, the Consortium is guided by a central belief that true strength is found in understanding the world around you.   High Seeker Theren Moonbrook is the founding member of the Seeker's Consortium. Fascinated by the fragments of lore about the Knowing Mentor, he took a liking to her vision of a world that shares and embraces knowledge and education. The founding members of the Consortium gathered together their books, research, maps, and other forms of recorded knowledge, storing them in Eldor's Hall of Ioun to be accessed by like-minded arcanists. This was far from the world's first library, but it was a rarity in that multiple arcane practitioners decided to be open about their studies—something looked down upon by many during the Age of Arcanum. These founding "Seekers" worked together to spread the will of Ioun and convince as many educational institutions, libraries, lyceums, archives, and arcane collections to join their alliance and open their halls to one another.   Today, most places of knowledge (not just in Aberran, but across Avalor) have at least some connection to the Seeker's Consortium. They may have a Seeker within their ranks, recognize and respect its members, or fly its banner as a partnered institution. To become a member of the Seeker's Consortium, one must be recommended to the High Seeker by a current member. The vast majority of new members are already connected to a specific partnered organization where many senior members are already Seekers. The High Seeker conducts a personalized interview depending on the applicant's profession, but always ends induction with an oath and pledge to uphold Ioun's tenets. New Seekers are given an enchanted signet ring that grants them access to the majority of the Consortium's partnered institutions.   Some members of the Consortium merely delight in being a part of the cause and carry on with their current profession, while others devote more substantial time to the organization, sometimes falling under the tutelage of an older member or assisting an arcanist in research. Many Seekers, alongside associates of the Consortium, will adventure to gather information in the field, explore arcane mysteries, and reclaim lost knowledge. Regardless, all members work together to uncover, preserve, accumulate, and distribute knowledge in all forms, whether through pursuing education, expanding libraries, or seeking out lost and ancient lore or magic.   The Seeker's Consortium has two major headquarters: Eldor’s Hall of Ioun and Zion’s House of Djinn. The Hall of Ioun is the same building originally established by the organization's founders and serves as its most extensive archive and primary arcane vault. The House of Djinn, an old wizard's manor, is its current base of operations, where new recruits study and meetings and negotiations are held. Multiple other places of learning and knowledge are connected to the consortium, and the High Seeker and senior members are constantly trying to extend the Consortium's reach and open more institutions' halls.  


  Untold knowledge was lost when the Calamity brought the Age of Arcanum to its fiery end, and so too was the case when Ioun was mortally wounded in that terrible war. Since that day, the Seeker’s Consortium has sought to recover what was lost. They hope that, in time, their tireless effort will eventually usher all societies to an enlightened future.   Ioun is still wounded, but her wisdom and grace has returned to the world—at least in part. Under the guidance and wisdom of their patron god, members of the Seeker’s Consortium seek to enlighten themselves through study and research. They devote their lives to studying the mysteries of the world, and turning that knowledge to protect it from another Calamity. To this end, the Consortium tries its best to make the immense breadth of knowledge within its institutions available to anyone and everyone who seeks to educate themselves—though some secrets are so potent that they must remain hidden from the public until the proper time.  


  The Seeker's Consortium has long been entrenched in the politics of Aberran. Alfheim and other elven communities see the Consortium as close allies, as its high elven founder established its roots in elven territory. The human governments of neighboring nations are well aware of its existence and have cooperated with its leading members on multiple occasions. The Second Cataclysm was primarily handled by the Consortium, who hosted frequent councils with national leaders in Zion and Icaria and organized their arcane resources and information to thwart Vrengar's plans.   Outside of Aberran, the majority of common folk across Avalor have never heard of the Seeker's Consortium. In fact, many governments are unaware of its existence. However, most wizards could at least name a few Seekers they have met or a couple of partnered institutions they have studied at. All but the most selfish and secretive of arcane practitioners hold high respect for the Consortium.  

Figures of Interest

  Operating under the will of Ioun, and driven by curiosity and the desire to further universal understanding, the diverse Seekers of the Seeker's Consortium strive to change the world for the better.  

High Seeker Sidhe Drannor

Male air genasi     Sidhe Drannor is a reputable archivist and the current High Seeker of the Seekers’ Consortium. Originally a librarian’s assistant from the Eternian Union with strange sorcerous power, Sidhe actively sought out the Consortium to discover his origins and managed to work his way to the top with his charisma and ambitious curiosity. He has held his position for over a decade and seeks to expand his knowledge of the arcane, particularly focusing his studies on other people with innate power.   Sidhe spends most of his time in the House of Djinn, where he runs the majority of the Consortium's operations. The House rarely allows random passersby into their halls; an aspiring archivist’s best bet would be to attempt to get in contact with his aloof half-elf secretary, Seeker Vortur.  

High Seeker Theren Moonbrook

Male elf   The original founder of the Seeker's Consortium and its longest-serving High Seeker, Theren is a wise and respected figure who has devoted much of his life to arcane research. Alongside his apprentices, he helped create the foundations of the organization and establish many of the good relationships it retains to this day. Theren handed down his leading position two centuries ago, but he still retains his title and membership. Theren is seen as a mentor figure by most Seekers and often attends important meetings to offer guidance. He can currently be found secluded in his tower at the edge of Eldor, quietly studying conjuration magic and the Feywild.  

Seeker Balgrim

Male dwarf   Balgrim is a key, leading member of the Seeker's Consortium. He is the keeper of Aberran's largest library, the Millennial Archive of Icaria, which is also one of the most important institutions partnered with the Consortium. As a result, he plays a pivotal role in negotiations; he acts as a liaison to the government of Kaldor and the Arcanum Academy, both of which regularly utilize the Archive. Overworked and perpetually exhausted, Balgrim can come off as standoffish to many, though he means well and is perhaps the most devoted of any to the Consortium's founding principles.
Founding Date
767 PD
Consortium, Research
Leader Title


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