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Aria Stormsinger

after maestro Stormsinger degreed that the next heir of the house shall be decided through competition aria has set forth to prove herself worthy and bring renown to her house

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The Journal Entry’s title

we are properly clearing out the graveyard this time now that we know what the necromancers are after. it appears that they were after the bodys of past royalty in order to rise them as dread knights with the intent to attack the city or something. we have aquired 3 of the keys so they should have some difficulty getting into the central crypt

The Journal Entry’s title

Day-3 we have set forth to clear the graveyard of some pesky undead it is a noble task and I look forward to completing it. there is a rumor that there is a necromancer summoning in them and if we can find him we should deal with him as well.

The Journal Entry’s title

Day 2-freed a celestial(claims she's the last knight errant of Aroshnie)from Chains took the chains to be destroyed at a later date and gave them to our ranger due to their anti-magic effects causing problems with my spell casting. ran into some Kobolds asking for some food they worked for a sorcerer whom we defeated to liberate them once we were defeated we received a gift from the great green wyrm which was a great sapphire of storm magic that appeared to be able to summon air elemental when destroyed. then proceded to get intouch with my innerstorm for the next week to incress my ablitys

Arias diary

Day 2- the caravan was attacked by bandits today managed to capture the leader alive tho I am not happy with my performance saw the lady from my first dream my god had stayed silent she led us through a winding path to a long abandoned town with a strange temple within that i did not recognize the religious iconography for. where a strange elf from a race i do not recongize attacked us for a pendent we found with in a strange god apperd to protect us and gave us a strange symbol that apperd on the back of my right leg

The Journal Entry’s title

Day 1-have had visions of a place in the duck woods along with other people have set forth to investigate i hopes i find something to help the family name and bring it honor  


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