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History of the Elevs

Rule of the Lashay Kings

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This is the priode of time with witch the Leshay ruled over the elven Natshon unting them under one banner

  • 0 LK

    14 FrostMoon

    Birth of the Eloriael Silverwind
    Life, Birth
  • 0 LK

    20 Windweave

    The Disaperince of the Last King
    Era beginning/end

    After the Final cort of King Arlanthir the Magnificent with witch eact king was grate a crwon to rule over there pepal. The city of the High King was clocked in a mastryous magical feaild and a mystorous shrin apers. WIth in this shrin is a palc.This plac is wrten what has been come to know as the profacey of the Kings. Some Belive this will open the city of the High King other says it means nothing. No mater what the profacey does say or mean it did littla to help the elven natshon opf the world and within days the War of the Thrown had started.

The War for the Throne

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After the last High King Disapered. the War of the Thron

  • 10 TW

    The Retreat of the Astral Elves
    Diplomatic action

    The Astral elves reteat back to the Gray Mount and isssue a statmetn to all of the othre natshions. That stament is that they will not prticapat it the War of the Thron. Any arrmy attemt to lay sige to the mountin will be meet with the full force of the Astral sea.

    The Gray Mounta
    Astral Elves
  • 20 TW

    The Creatshon of the Fay'ri
    Scientific achievement

    The First Fay'Ri Warrioes are seen in the Battfiled turing the tied of battle for the HIgh Elves

    Bright Wall
  • 80 TW


    Start of Demon Stand
    Construction beginning/end

    Constructshon of Demond Stand Begings Mirgratshon the Far'ri to the city

    Demon Stands
  • 89 TW

    Finshing Of Demon Stand
    Construction beginning/end

    The Finshing of Demon Stand. Most Fay'ri live in the city now

    Demon Stands
  • 99 TW

    The Destruction of the Two Towers
    Era beginning/end

    It did happen in a flash and then a sinlince, from the silice arsoe a wall of fog areound the bordes of the two towers. The rest of the natsion though this was a new weponde desingned to defend there lands that was till the serviores started to apper, thes elves where thouched by death it was the first appreoince of the Ghost elves. It was also the death of the Sun and Moon Elves. Still thinkiong it was a trik the armys of the other natshons marched into the land of the two towers. With in the lands they found a hell on the earth.   With In the new realm heal iteams do not work flora and falna provied no substance. Magic is wild and uprdicapbl and spells can come to life and attack the caster.

The Shadow Of Pace

5101 and beyond

  • 1 SP

    Freeing of rthe Fay'ri
    Civil action

    The Fay'ri are rckinsed by all elven kigndomes as a free race and ther own kigdome

    Demon Stands
  • 1 SP

    Thr first Ghost Elf Appires
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Ghost elf is found just out side the border of the kogdome of the moon and sun

    Ghost Elves
  • 4 SP

    The Founding of Ghost Watch
    Construction beginning/end

    The bigining of the Keep of Ghost Watch

    Ghost Watch
    Ghost Elves
  • 14 SP

    5 Starfall

    The Darkness rising saga begins

    This is the start of the Darkness Rising Campane