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Shaman Lura, Spiritual Leader of the Orcs

Spirit Whisperer Lura N/A (Orcs typically don't have family names), The Spirit Whisperer (a.k.a. Lura of the Whispering Woods)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and sturdy, with signs of aging, hands show signs of many rituals.

Body Features

Muscular build, tribal tattoos covering her arms and back.

Facial Features

Prominent cheekbones, long braided hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of a spirit on her forehead.

Physical quirks

Always seems to move with a certain grace, as if dancing with the spirits.

Special abilities

Can communicate with spirits, skilled in herbal medicine.

Apparel & Accessories

Tribal robe with various ornaments, feathered headdress.

Specialized Equipment

Shamanic staff, Spirit Stone, ritualistic totems.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in Greenclaw Village, trained under the village's elder shaman, ventured into the Whispering Woods for her vision quest.


Trained in the ways of the shaman by the village elder.


Shaman and spiritual leader of her tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Established the Orc Council of Shamans, led her tribe through many challenges using her spiritual guidance, brokered peace with neighboring tribes.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to prevent a tribal war before her vision of unity, once misunderstood a vision leading to a failed hunt.

Mental Trauma

The loss of her mentor during her training.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wise, intuitive, vast knowledge of orc lore and traditions.

Morality & Philosophy

Values the spirits and the earth, believes in the unity of all tribes.


Desecrating sacred sites, using dark magic.

Personality Characteristics


To guide her tribe and uphold orc traditions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Expert in spiritual rituals, not very skilled in combat.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves the Whispering Woods, dislikes desecration of sacred sites.

Virtues & Personality perks

Wisdom, spiritual guidance, herbal knowledge.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be overly traditional, sometimes too trusting of the spirits.

Personality Quirks

Often hums ancient orcish tunes, speaks in riddles.



Has led the Orc Council of Shamans for over 20 years, known for her spiritual guidance and wisdom.

Contacts & Relations

Allied with other orc shamans, has contacts in the spirit realm.

Family Ties

Mother of three, grandmother to seven.

Religious Views

Devout worshiper of Groth, often offers her visions to the god.

Social Aptitude

Respected by her tribe, known for her wisdom and spiritual guidance.


Often gestures with her hands, speaks with a calm and soothing voice.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet owl named Whisper, loves meditating in the Whispering Woods.


Calm voice, speaks with wisdom, often uses orcish proverbs, has a deep orcish accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Does not value material wealth, but is rich in knowledge and spiritual power.
Current Status
Guiding her tribe, preparing for the upcoming harvest ritual.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Spirit Whisperer, Elder Shaman.
Circumstances of Birth
Born during the Night of Echoing Spirits, considered a sign of her spiritual destiny.
Greenclaw Village, deep within the orc territories.
Deep green eyes, almond-shaped, always seem to be in a trance.
Raven-black hair, long and braided with beads and feathers.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough, olive-green skin with tribal tattoos.
6 feet, 2 inches
210 pounds
Worshiper of Groth, the orc god of earth and spirits.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Orcish, Common Tongue, Spirit Tongue.
Character Prototype
A wise and spiritual leader, with a deep connection to the earth and the spirits.

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